Friday, August 30, 2013

For the Not-So-Vegan Chef Within Me

Behold the loveliness of fancy scrambled eggs!

2 eggs
mild cheddar cheese
1/4 tomato
1/8 onion
fresh organo
s&p tt
canola oil

Make it like scrambled eggs, just, before you put the eggs in, saute' the onions and tomatoes until very soft and falling apart. Add spices to the eggs then beat 'em up in a mixing bowl. Then let those unborn chickies swim with the onions and tomatoes. Swoosh around in pan until cooked to desired consistency. 
Transfer to plate, add sprinkle of cheddar cheese, then top it with a sprig of fresh oregano. 
Ta-da! Bon apatite! 

Alex loved this one-- and he's not even a breakfast person.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Breathing and Showing

After finally getting settled, I've done my first morning of yoga. Yes, reader, it's been a while. My gosh I've missed it. I shouldn't be surprised; yoga is beneficial to the mind body and spirit. The flow of the breath and body, the concentration and relaxation of the mind-- it's all utterly and magnificently tiring yet energizing. Because it's been a while, my arms and legs continue to shake after my practice. It's addicting, this soreness, and I don't see why I ever allowed myself to blah out of it. Probably the unsteady work schedule of the movie theater. Now that I can nearly make my entire schedule, I can fit it in when I need to.
As for being mostly vegan, it's going okay... minus the ice cream, fish, and eggs. Okay, so I'm the world's worst vegan but at least I admit it. I make an effort to get protein in other ways, it's just tough when all those processed vegan burgers/patties/crumbles and hummus get me gassy. It's not pleasant so I try other routes like almond milk, peanut butter, peanuts, sometimes almonds (but those are expensive and I'm a broke college student again), as well as legumes. I'm trying new recipes so we'll see how it goes.
So you've all been waiting to see my new apartment and I've been wanting to show you but, unfortunately, I'm very much like my mother and prefer to only show my home when it's clean and tidy. Now that's it's finally okay to display to the public, here are the pictures you've all been waiting for.

Hehe, I caught Capn' Merrica.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Movin' On In

So we re finally here in Tampa! It's our first morning and we still have quite a bit of unpacking to do.  The best way to do it? One room at a time. If there's more than one set of arms to unpack, have one work on the bedroom so when you're tired you can pass out without having to push a bunch of boxes off the bed. Alex and I both tried working on the bedroom together but it works out better to let each person put their personal items and clothes away individually. I let him put his stuff in first since he had more boxes to go through and I was antsy to get the kitchen unpacked and setup. I can't wait to show you, guys! You may have to wait until tomorrow to see because I still gotta unpack my clothes and we need to setup the desk/computers/TV stuff. And get rid of boxes. And find screws to put up wall hangings (that may have to wait until our next trip to Walmart).
Speaking of Walmart, there is too high a number of crappy Walmarts... Seriously. Back in Tally, the one all the way up Monroe was small but at least it had the full grocery section and a decent size of everything else! This Walmart on Dale Malbry had a laughably small "produce section." I put quotes because I can't really call three of the black bin stands with hardly any produce a real section. Then there was so little of even boxed foods! Can you say cray? I thought they'd gotten rid of all the crappy Walmarts. I guess Tampa holds on to old things well. 
Anywho, I'm excited to be here and so far it's going well. Still on the job hunt and still hoping Alex gets the transfer with Regal.  Fingers crossed for the Disney Store. 
Here's a peek at the living box room. 
Hope you have a great Saturday. I look forward to sharing my new home with you. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

No More Religous Prejudice or Judgement

When reading something, have you ever had a moment where you are emotionally startled-- not because something has frightened you, but because something make so much sense and you haven't a clue why the concept or idea did not manifest itself early. From past posts you've mostly noticed I enjoy following the Daily Cup of Yoga blog.  Don't get me wrong reader, I find quite a bit of the extremist "yogi" mumbo-jumbo to be just that. But even then, I am able to  find something quite significant within the message they are presenting: a message within the message. The article may be about renunciation of the world but between the lines I find some advice still relevant to me-- a person who wants to be with others and wants to experience culture.
The most recent post I read from them, "7 Ways to Have Tantric Experiences," is the epitome of everything that has been reverberating to me from this blog. It has put into words what I have been feeling since freshman year at Florida State-- that there may not be only one god, that maybe deja vu is something real and the most direct link to past experiences, and, most of all, that life is for life. Life is not to obtain freedom. Life is for compassion and exploration. Life is to always be curious to the universe around us, to accept that we will never completely comprehend everything or anything. To renounce the world... well, I don't believe it'll make me any happier than I am now. We are social creatures and, if we were to rid of prejudice and judgment, we could be happy together in harmony. Such things are romantic notions but entirely possible. Set aside ego and superiority. Set aside insignificant differences between individuals. In the end, we are all family; we are all connected.

Here is a quote from the post which I have linked to, above:

"7 Ways to Have Tantric Experiences

  1. Recognize that everything is cosmic.
  2. Don’t renounce anything.
  3. Embrace the tough stuff.
  4. Ask yourself: what is this here to teach me about my true nature?
  5. Watch for signs and symbols.
  6. Know that abundance is just as spiritual as renouncing money, if not more so.
  7. Enjoy good, healthy sex."  -L

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Didn't Forget You

I realize it's  been a while since my last post and that's mostly due to trying to get my Avon going and getting everything setup for Tampa. Just when I think I'm done, there's something else that comes up. As for Avon, it's going fairly well. It'll be tough starting all over in Tampa; at least I'll be going out more and seeing more people so that should help pick up my business over there.
I never updated you on my running did I? Well, I did indeed go for a run the next morning.  I drank a glass of water and beat the rain. Unfortunately, I found little to no enjoyment in the activity. My poor wittle ankles and knees are not made for the pounding on cement. Happily, I'll have gym access in two weeks (holy cow, there's only 14 days until Tampa!) so I'll have wonderful cycling, yoga, and other fun classes to go to to get active and involved. Note to self: apply to the USF gym. 
I'm so excited that I'm getting anxious and nervous! 
Anyway, running is a no-- at least in the streets. I shall be a proper lady of modern day society and run on a tredmill that treats my joints gently. Maybe I'll find some non-paved trails for running-- there is a big park next to The Claw (USF's golf course). USF doesn't have fun names like FSU does... I'll have to find out more or make them up.
I hope I don't have as much trouble meeting people as I did at FSU. I didn't make friends really until Junior year when I joined my sorority DNZ. Then I didn't make any significant connections until Senior year. Yeah... nope. Not going to allow it to take so long-- I'm going to be aggressive with friendships! BE MY FRIEND! Please. :) And then I'll offer to make them some tea and lunch. No one ever took me up on that offer before... so definitely be more aggressive about getting them to spend time with me. Yes. 
As for the mostly veganism, it hasn't been going so great because of how tight money has been and the upsetting forgetfulness of my parents to buy more than onions, peppers, and potatoes. Like I've said before, I'll have an easier time when I'm in control of what goes into the fridge and pantry.
All that's left to get Tampa done, now, is pay for utility setup, pay for internet, pick up moving truck, find job, move in, and get settled. Oh, then I have a list for Tampa, too. It included meeting my department head, getting my USF ID (I gotta snatch up that gym access!), and decide on local grocery stores/ market places. The big ones left are the move and finding a job. I'm hoping for a position at the Disney Store in the International Mall but there's also a possibility of working at a sushi restaurant (yum!). 
Well, I think I'll let you go for now. My car has been finicky and giving her a bath usually makes her happier.
Have a great weekend!
