Saturday, September 27, 2014

Squeezing the Last Bit Of Juice Out the Orange

I've been kept quite busy this past week or so. Trying my best to keep up with assignments and still be active. I haven't made it to the gym in almost a month and it's really starting to bother me. I've realized that I work best on my school work in the morning but that's also when I most prefer to go to the gym-- less people, less traffic. 
Eventually I'll get this all into a nice order. Eventually I'll be able to divide my time as best I can though there really doesn't seem to be enough anymore. It's the one thing we can never get enough of after all. 
I have found that if I make one or two goals per day I'm highly likely to complete them and do more. So, since tomorrow is my first Sunday off in quite some time, I want to celebrate by going out to brunch (plus it's Alex and my anniversary this coming Friday. Three years but we both feel like it's been longer). I want to go to a farmers market but there isn't one until next Sunday. We will def go next Sunday. 
So my goals for tomorrow are to catch up with my digital curation class and work on/hopefully finish my apron. I have everythkng I need I just gotta make the time. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Breezy Clouds

Yesterday was quite productive. I worked on school stuff and got pretty much all of the laundry done. Yay for clean pants! I also cooked up an awesome dinner (with my honey's help of course!). I didn't get as much school work done as I wanted but it was good progress and I devoted a good amount of time. Definitely no more lazy days allowed-- it messed up my schedule too much. I would say I blame having cable now but I still don't really watch it much. 
This morning has started off pretty okay. I only have a few minutes to write but it's something. I really need to get back to the gym because I'm tired of feeling tired. I don't know why I'm so good with school work at this new place but I haven't gone to the gym once since we moved. Maybe it's because I haven't actually done the ride from here to the gym yet. I think once I get my butt going it'll be cake. Also, I'll be getting my new bike soon so there will be even more of a need to get out. 
Well, I have to finish getting ready for work. Have a good weekend everyone. Have fun this mid-September; dance in the rain. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Too Lazy Days

Yay boho quilt-y-ness!

It's been two lazy days. While I did indeed finally get the double sided bias tape from Joann's, I have not applied it to the apron. Monday I went out with Alex to get stuff to get the washing machine all set (which yay now I can wash things but boo the dryer doesn't work). Yesterday, Tuesday, we went out to get more stuff from Home Depot and then return the bed set I had gotten from Target when we first moved in (I finally decided on a different one!). I still keep forgetting to get darn swiffer sweeper heads. I was so close to being productive with school stuff at least but then I got distracted by some notifications I received from the department. I can finally apply for fieldwork for next semester so I needed to email someone to figure out what paperwork I have to get together.
So I need to keep this post short so I can kick my butt to do my school work. I have found that keeping this idea in my head keeps me motivated: if I do my schoolwork now I'm free to do fun stuff when the opportunity presents itself later-- and it always presents itself later (especially if I've procrastinated earlier).
I do wish it wasn't raining this morning so I could've made it to the gym early but instead I walked Penny in the rain and found out that wind breakers are most certainly not equivalent to rain jackets-- at least not the one I have).

Monday, September 15, 2014

As It Is

"I carry your heart; I carry it in my heart." E.E. Cummings
Find this cute necklace at Meytolbarnoy's etsy!

This weekend went by in such a flash. Before I knew it my parents were out front of my apartment and likewise with them having to leave. The sofa works great downstairs and we're hoping to have the washer and dryer up and running tonight (running out undies ahh!!). I didn't make it to the gym this morning, I was feeling pretty groggy but it's really just my fault because I decided to watch Outlander while eating breakfast. My days really are determined by how I start them. If I watch a movie right after yoga-- unless I have signed up for a gym class-- I won't want to go to the gym. 
School work is still going well. I haven't done any today but I'm not behind on anything and I still have ample time to complete what I need to do. I was a little disappointed with myself on Friday when I turned in assignment to come to a realization that I didn't complete it in the manner the professor meant for me to. By then I knew it was too late. It was only the third week of class but I should have started on it a little earlier (I still gave myself a few days to get the interview questions back from the librarian) so I could ask my professor verifying questions.

Other than all that the apartment is coming along nicely. All Alex and I have left to do is: sell some tables, finish setting up the washer & dryer, get a new bed set, art work for the walls (maybe I can paint them?), get chairs for the dinner table, and put up some shelves. 
I'm happy that Alex and I are starting to have less to be stressed about with the apartment. It was a struggle at first because we didn't have places for things and then there were boxes everywhere... it was hectic.
Today we'll be handing back the keys to the old apartment and getting that huge desk out of there-- since no one actually went through with buying it. 

I will also be making my way to Joann's before it closes to get that double sided bias tape. Then I can move towards completion of my apron.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Choo! Choooooo!


I've been absent on my blog for too long, yet again. Change really does effect me and I'm slowly working with it. We have the new place mostly in order. My parents come on Sunday to bring us a sofa, and Alex's parent's washer and dryer (thank you!).
I've been doing a good job at keeping up with my school work; now I need to get back into a good workout habit. My new complex is in the middle of construction for their new gym so I'm just relying on my yoga for the days I work. The other days, I really need to kick my butt out the house and get to the campus gym.
I also can finally set a start date for my everyday craftiness! Though I haven't heard back from the Crafting Club (boo), I should go ahead and get started anyway. I'm going to go ahead and start my craftiness on this coming Monday, September 15th. I'm going to start off by finishing up that cute apron I started last month. I really look forward to sharing my progress with sewing and anything else crafty (in all honestly it may be mostly sewing because I suck right now).
So coming up: more gym time + everyday craftiness.

Getting Into A New Groove

I meant to post this on Monday but you know how it goes...

Boom, baby!
It's strange to think that it was only one year ago that Alex and I first moved in together. Amidst the stress of getting all the paperwork done and physical moving everything over and finding places for it, I felt a small sadness. We have outgrown our small apartment and this new one should do quite nicely but the sadness was leaving behind the close quarters.
After thoroughly cleaning the old place, I found myself saying goodbye to being rather cramped with fur babies but also opened myself up to the newness of the new place. The new setup is quite different-- as is normal for a larger apartment. While I may not be able to sit right next to Alex as often (our desks were right next to each other) i know I can still just pull up a chair next to him. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

I Moved!

As you all know, I've moved into a new apartment. It turns out that just because it's around the corner, it doesn't mean it's easier than moving miles away. While Alex has been wonderful and has been doing so much for this move in addition to waking up early for work, I've been feeling icky and sick-- just so so exhausted. I woke up this morning thinking I'd need to call out of work but after some yoga and a nice bowl of oatmeal I managed to get myself to feeling okay. I've kept up with most assignments (though I do have an online lecture and a few readings to catch up with). So far not too bad. I'm feeling stressed with all the boxes and bags everywhere. I know we just moved and it's been a few days now but we don't have all our furniture (alex's desk) so there are so many things that just don't have a spot yet.
We're working on getting a washer and dryer; Alex's parents said we can borrow theirs and the pair should work with the space and hookups we have. How are we getting it from PSL to Tampa? My wonderful parents offered to drive it, along with a sofa (Yay!). So now we just have to plan when. Weekends work best for my parents so I'll need to arrange a day off or at least a half day. It's silly to have them drive all the way here but not be able to spend at least some time with them. I think a half day would be acceptable-- I'd get off around 2 ish.
Well I have to finish getting ready for work and take my allergy drops. It's a couple minutes added to my commute so I need to be on top of it.
I hope everyone's semester is going smoothly. I will hopefully be having some fun updates on craftiness soon. So far no word from the Crafting Club... and I have a ton of things I need to buy (bras, undies, tooth brush heads, etc.).

Monday, September 1, 2014

Am I The Scarecrow?

I write this post today as a person who previously had little issue with purchasing non-organic apples (apples are specific to the nature of my thoughts). For as long as I can remember I've been eating and enjoying apples. The range over the years has included McIntosh, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala, Fuji, and probably others. Of course there have been times when I've let one go past it's time and it was mealy, or have allowed myself to buy one or a few that were not yet quite where they should have been. I have forgiven produce sellers of such faults as these because, when picking for such a mass amount of people, many that are not on the same scale as others will slip through.
My tolerance of faults has reached its max as of yesterday. I have been having issues with produce from Sanwa, as I have probably mentioned before, and I had thought maybe I'd grown allergic to the skin of pineapple (which probably is true with how my skin reacts to touching the pineapple plant at work). However, after numerous times of eating apples and ending up with my thumb, index, and middle finger swollen and burning I realize I am now allergic to whatever pesticides are being used. What is most odd is I do a vinegar lemon juice wash (I am strongly considering adding baking soda for more of a scrubbing effect)... and it works well enough for other produce (I taste a difference in berries-- they're sweeter after I wash them!). I'm fortunate that my lips and throat don't noticeably react to the pesticides but I was thinking about the skin on my fingers... and it has be wondering: if my skin reacts so, who is to say that it does not negatively impact my insides? Obvious it is nothing instantly fatal but what about in the long run?
We all know that companies can only look so far into the effects of using a product-- many companies have not been around long enough to have sufficient testing to see how their products effect the human body. It's very frustrating to be an American with open eyes-- to see the truth more and more about the food given to you.
I'm not going to go on an all-organic super hippie shpeal or anything like that, all I'm saying is that I don't think I should be eating apples anymore unless they're organic (so... apples much less often because I'm pretty sure the organic ones cost twice as much per pound).