Thursday, February 19, 2015

Live Your Dream

Happy New Year everyone! It's the year of the sheep!
Some of you may already know that I am a sheep (because quite a few of you are sheep yourselves). Apparently this is going to be our year to push forward and take a big step towards our aspirations. I'm very considerate of the sources on Elephant Journal in this regard but I can honestly feel that all the positive forecasts and such are for real. I've been feeling so many good vibes and I know I probably sound crazy to some of you but the energy around sheep(at least for me) this year is just ripe for change and making but strides towards goals. 
For my western new year resolution I sent out a lot of positive energy and wishes of happiness for all. I did not foresee all the magic of my hopes and wishes for others to come back to me so quickly, becoming my own fuel for courage and love. 
Here I am again, during the eastern new year this time, sending out all the love I can muster to friends and strangers alike (from all signs of the zodiac). We are here to love and I want you to know that I honor this purpose. 
If you are ever in need, I am here. 
Go out and experience what the world has to offer. Drink up the wonder that is all around you. May nothing scare you from sincere aspirations. It may not happen now but know that was does happen now is a lesson or experience leading up to your hopes. You are in control of your destiny. 
Go live your dreams. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Don Season and Resolving Last Year's Karmic Build

With January gone, western New Year resolutions ringing in our ears, and Valentine's Day kicked to the curb, we find that writing the year 2015 on papers to be just as easy as writing 2014. Yet with this time leading up to the eastern New Year my life has been a whirlwind. I got my period early this month and have come to the realization that I've lacked mindfulness and attention to some important aspects of my relationships. Then it occurred to me that this wasn't the first time I've gotten my period early among other conflicts. 
As a rather avid reader of Elephant Journal, I came across this article on don season (pronounced doan) and I realized that maybe some concepts we think are mumbo jumbo are actually legit. Don season is a time for karmic energies to come to fruition. I don't believe that the occurrences during this don season are from past lives but it seems very likely that it's all the stress and conflicts built up from the past year. It doesn't all resonate during the western new year because it's surrounded by frill and fluff of the western society we live in. When all that calms down and you settle back into regular days, it gives things that have been made obscure by holiday cheer a chance to rise up. 
I've looked deeper into it and I actually agree. 
Parts of your life that seemed to be going fine with just a little challenge actually require necessary attention. While don season is a time for all the negative energy built up to make an appearance, it's also a good time to resolve conflict. 
So, now that I know, and it's all been put into light, I can take a firm step towards resolution.
Big decisions are coming up, but it's best to let this one last day go before finalizing what you think you want/ need to do. 

Spring is coming and it's time to clean house. 
Here's to fixing up your short-term karma and letting go of anything that doesn't serve you.

Take a deep breath.