Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hope & Dream Then Release Your Wishes Into the World

You know how most people see astrology as garbage? I used to think the same. I'm not saying all astrology is accurate to the -T nor do I go straight to the astrology page of the paper on a regular basis.
I usually pass it by and close the paper but on the few occasions that I do give it a read, I find some of the best advice and forethought.
There's a saying that you are your own worst critic but you are also your best motivator. This is the reason I believe I find so much help in the horoscopes of the paper.
This week mine (Sagittarius) says "'If you have built castles in the air , your work need not be lost ; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them' That may seem like a backward way to approach the building process. But I think this approach is more likely to work for you than it is for any other sign of the zodiac. And now is an excellent time to attend to such a task"
What have I taken away from this? I want to become a yoga instructor. I need to make the detailed dreams and plans now. If I want anything to happen, I must realize the energy I feel inside into the world around me. Release your hopes and dreams into the world so that they may become the reality you experience.