Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sexy Dresses & Small Cups

I realize my blog is heading like an arrow, straight and true, towards fitness, but, to make a blog without everything that makes my hamster run, wouldn't that be unrealistic?
Lately I've been looking in the mirror with numerous different lights: the gym, other people's bathroom's, etc. Two weeks ago when I started this blog I went to a Body Tone gym class. While I was squatting the twelve-pound body bar, my eyes wandered around the room. There were all sorts of body types in the room. Some girls taller than me, many shorter, some with tight workout tops that exaggerated their breasts, and others with old t-shirts like myself that don't say too much about size. My eyes came back to me and I realized how small I am. I'd never truly seen myself quite so small and it bothered me. I looked puny. I decided I would keep working on strength training and toning up so I didn't have to feel that way.
However, there are always some things that you just have to take as nature gives. Like breasts. I have small ones-- not B's like I used to have when I weighed more. I do need to be re-sized but I'm pretty sure I'm in the A department now. In a country where large breasts are doted upon and highly desired, it can be a bit of a downer when you let your mind compare you to other, more endowed, women.
My boyfriend, being the wonderful man that he is, always knows just what to say to cheer me up. Although he indeed has a liking for larger breasts, Alex reminds me of why he likes mine in particular and puts my thoughts on the train to Team Small Breasts. Once I'm put back into my positive mood, I remember my list of why I'm lucky to have small breasts:

  • I can wear low-cut tops and dresses without a bra
  • I can wear more revealing dresses without making them distasteful
  • They don't get in the way during yoga
  • They perk up so cutely and won't sag as quickly as larger breasts would

While the list may not be long, it is certainly relevant to a woman like myself who enjoys yoga and wearing sexy dresses.
If my given list isn't enough to help you cheer up too, reader, here is an article I found about having small breasts and knowing that sexy is an attitude, not something created with large breasts: Small Breasts: How I Learned To Accept Mine. Jennifer Miller really puts things into perspective and emphasizes on being happy with yourself as you are.
Remember that the best kind of beauty is the natural kind. When all the makeup and clothes come off, all that is left is you.


Oh, and here's two celebrities with smaller breasts that work it!:

Debra Messing

Kate Bosworth

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love Kate Bosworth. Good inspiration choices. I also (as you know) have smallish breasts and really it's all about how you embrace your own body. Because you need to be happy, men will forget about their 'preference' once they see how radiant you are.


I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts.