Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another Blab About Change and Moving

From finding a place, getting utilities set up, and gathering/packaging all the necessities, moving is a big adjustment. I've been talking a lot about change in recent posts but that's exactly what this move is. It's a big step for me personally as well as the future of Alex's and my relationship. I'm excited to make this move forward into our lives-- seeing it evolve into even more wonder. As we get closer to the big day I get more and more nervous because of money and getting everything together. I know it'll work out but it's just the smaller the time, the more I just want to get going.
It certainly doesn't help me that I have so much pent up energy from being in psl: you drive everywhere, it costs money to go out-- there's just really nothing active to do. Bicycles and walks/runs are great when it's not raining and work at the movie theater doesn't deprive you of proper rest. Excuses, I know, but they are what they are.
Once we re moved in we ll be able to adjust and create our schedules. I'm really hoping for a job at the Disney Store in the International Mall. It would be a spectacular and welcome change of scenery in the work place. If not, I'm also hoping for at least a temp job at the USF bookstore on campus. 
Regardless, it's coming. I'm ready.

Before I let you go for now, reader, what would you think about some videos on here? Likes videos of me moving and whatnot? You've never been really responsive before but I figured I would ask.

Sweet dreams. 


When I look at footprints in the sand, I wonder who that person is, where they are going, what their hopes and dreams are; I wonder if they wonder the same thing when looking to the sand. Do they think of what others will think when we look at the sand? Are we all wondering together across the space and time of that ever changing patch of sand?
These are but a few thoughts tha cross my mind at the beach-- the evanevence of each grain of life. Each little piece of sand as a reminder that life exists only with change. The ocean understand just as the ground beneath our feet. 
Do thoughts even matter until we give them a measure of importance? I know for sure that each breathe and each intention echoes throughout reality-- whether I be black or white, human or any other animal in the world.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Pick Your Feet Up

I just want to admit it and let it go like carbon dioxide: I'm really burnt out with working at the movie theater. It really is time for a change and I'm happy the move for Tampa is coming soon. This move presents lots of opportunities and I hope to take advantage of them.
I'm still nervous but excited at the same time. Once the move starts, I'll be all the happier.
An update on my mostly veganism: I had eggs this morning and I didn't feel the delight I used to. The taste is different. It's not hard for me to believe because when I went pescitarian, I didn't enjoy beef or pork anymore either. And now I don't enjoy any flesh other than fish. 
A down side lately is that I've been feeling quite faint and lacking in energy. Yesterday my momma bought be new sneakers; I'm hoping that getting myself into running outside (as opposed to my past experiences on the treadmill at Leach gym) will help. Ill be sure to keep posting about that. I will start tomorrow morning. Ill need to wake up early to avoid too much heat-- this is Florida after all. 

They're ready. I am, too. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Moving to West Coast of the Sunshine State

I do indeed look forward to moving into my new place. In fact, I'm getting quite antsy and anxious to get the move started. Alex and I have been working on furniture and gathering necessities for our first place together and, though it be small, it is quite a bit of work to make sure everything is lined up. Dealing with the apartment complex is by far the biggest struggle thus far, and I hope it remains the most difficult part.
I'm hoping for a smooth transition but we're still both seeking out jobs in Tampa. We've got just about the right amount saved up and heading our way to make the move and take care of initial payments but there's still minor expenses and getting settled to be worried about (on top of getting started with school).
It's always crazy feeling such excitement and nervousness paired together but, trust me, it is normal. I've made similar moves back and forth to Tallahassee so I know how to handle it. Granted, this one is different because it involved furniture and a whole 'nother person. I know we can do this-- I just want to get going!

No one has replied about the yoga group-class I had suggested earlier in the summer so I guess everyone's pretty busy. I don't blame you. Summer can get hectic even though it's meant to be vacation time. The offer still stands if anyone finds some free time. I won't make you do head stands or anything, I promise. (i'm not anywhere near that, anyway).

On another note, I just want to give you a link to my favorite blog Daily Cup of Yoga; it's positively wonderful. They don't post daily but, when they do, it's inspiring and uplifting. The most recent post really warmed me.

I hope your summer is going by with lots of cool breezes and sunshine!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Avon Lady In Line

You may have noticed that I am now an Avon representative. If not, then now you know! Please feel free to visit my website to shop around and have products delivered to you directly. In case you haven't been kept up to date, or you know nothing about Avon, it is a company that sells much more than makeup. They also sell body wash/lotion/spray, clothes, baby items, and jewelry.

Being a part of this new community has some similarities to being in a sorority: You get an Avon Mom, you have meetings with her and opportunities to meet with the other ladies. It can be competitive but it's all about helping each other, etc.
What's really interesting is that my Avon Mom, Danette, teaches vegan classes at the local Nutritionsmart. Unfortunately she won't have any more classes until August but you can bet I'm looking forward to it! Such a small world we live in-- there are connections to all those around us and what we perceive to be far beyond.

Since I've joined Avon, I've been considering the idea of making videos to post here on my blog about products that I have used and/or use now. Expanded upon that, I was thinking of showing you my own makeup and skin care how-to's. What do you think? Let me know!
