Friday, July 5, 2013

Moving to West Coast of the Sunshine State

I do indeed look forward to moving into my new place. In fact, I'm getting quite antsy and anxious to get the move started. Alex and I have been working on furniture and gathering necessities for our first place together and, though it be small, it is quite a bit of work to make sure everything is lined up. Dealing with the apartment complex is by far the biggest struggle thus far, and I hope it remains the most difficult part.
I'm hoping for a smooth transition but we're still both seeking out jobs in Tampa. We've got just about the right amount saved up and heading our way to make the move and take care of initial payments but there's still minor expenses and getting settled to be worried about (on top of getting started with school).
It's always crazy feeling such excitement and nervousness paired together but, trust me, it is normal. I've made similar moves back and forth to Tallahassee so I know how to handle it. Granted, this one is different because it involved furniture and a whole 'nother person. I know we can do this-- I just want to get going!

No one has replied about the yoga group-class I had suggested earlier in the summer so I guess everyone's pretty busy. I don't blame you. Summer can get hectic even though it's meant to be vacation time. The offer still stands if anyone finds some free time. I won't make you do head stands or anything, I promise. (i'm not anywhere near that, anyway).

On another note, I just want to give you a link to my favorite blog Daily Cup of Yoga; it's positively wonderful. They don't post daily but, when they do, it's inspiring and uplifting. The most recent post really warmed me.

I hope your summer is going by with lots of cool breezes and sunshine!


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