Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grad Students and Vinyasas-- Wherever They Can Be Fit In!

It's been quite a while since my last post. A lot has been going on but little worth writing about and not much time to spare. I've recently subscribed to Elephant Journal, the wonderful all-around-health-centered online journal. $13/year for unlimited reads and views. Pretty good since I always end up on the site; two free articles a day wasn't cutting it.
My yoga practice has been good though there have been a few days where I haven't done it, like today, because I've had to wake up early for work (like 4 AM kinda early) or because I partied hard (well worth it). In the end, it's all about getting right back on the horse. No time for yoga in the morning? Not allowed to skip the next day. I've noticed I have trouble with physical activity as well as mental stamina when I don't do my morning vinyasas. It's becoming more and more clear that yoga is apart of me and I don't think I'm going to ever be able to be my happy self again without it. There's only so much energy your body can accept before it becomes congested. Just like with the practice, you have to exhale anything that does not serve you-- let it go.
I really miss my yoga classes :( Once again I am without one because the instructor canceled it. I haven't encountered her since her last class so I'm not sure why; perhaps she had trouble with class scheduling and assignments. I'm definitely in the same boat with two jobs and being a full-time grad student.
I just need to kick my butt to a new class; the trouble is time. The other class I'm interested in attending is a Power Yoga class but it's at 7pm on Sundays. Very tough working and being a student... I'll need to make some more choices soon and I may have to disappoint some wonderful people at work.
Luckily my mom is always there reminding me that, in the end, I have to consider what I need and that I'm a student.
Well I'm about to crash. I'll try not to take so long with my next post.


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