Thursday, December 19, 2013

Race to Abs

So my boyfriend challenged me with a Race to Abs. The point of the challenge is whoever gets abs (ahem, or the 'best' abs) by June 2014, gets one wish-- absolutely anything and the other shall grant it. The prize isn't all that exciting or motivating for me since there is nothing I would need to use the wish for. My wishes are so small, if not nonexistent, that they're granted when it's the right time.
In order to whip up an exceptional amount of motivation, I'm going to use my blog to track my progress. My plan is to take a picture of myself once a week in my underwear and post it here. If you want me to include my meals and workouts, I can though they always vary. 
Now, you know Christmas is just around the corner and I'll be heading home to PSL on Monday and staying until Friday-- so that's a challenge in itself; being vegetarian in my parent's house is about as hard as getting Rinpoche to play with his plastic balls with bells inside (if it's made for a cat, he mostly doesn't want it). 
Thinking about it, this Race to Abs is a bit different for me. This sort of goal has never been on my list before just because I thought I'd have to give up my sweet treats entirely. Well, that and I've just never had the desire to actually go for a sculpted core. I've just always wanted to be healthy and fit (and I actually don't consider a sculpted core to be a mandatory part of the fitness image). 
While my main fat store is indeed my lower abdomen, a small portion of sweets once a week won't hurt-- as long as I portion and balance my meals for the rest of the week.
So, challenge accepted, baby. Challenge accepted. Here's my photo for this week. Day 1.

Annnnnnd there's Rinpoche wondering what I'm doing. Hehe I guess I'll be taking pictures of him as well. He never allows me to go to the bathroom without him. 

I'll only post these measurements now and then at the end. I'll keep a record in Excel just to see my progress and give me that push towards the end. 

40" shoulders
33.5" chest
29" under bust
9.5" biceps
27" waist
31" belly button
37" hips
38" butt
21" thighs
13.75" calves

Alright let's do this! 

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