Saturday, January 25, 2014

Habits Lead to Fitness

Don't forget to floss and rinse!
So I have a lot of good habits going on this month (aside from re-discovering my interest in cutesy-amazing-story videogames), not limited to eating more kale, eating less sweets (still a habit in progress),and getting my butt to the gym. Now it's time to start pulling in bigger guns like making cardio sessions lean more toward fat-burning, high-intensity, lifting weights more than twice a week, and making leaner meal choices. The ladder is a bit difficult on the weekends because I don't have a lot of time to cook for my work meals so I'll just need to be sure to make enough leftovers  on Thursday night-- not an  easy feat with a night class but I'm sure I can make it happen.

The numbers for this week are:

39.75" shoulders
34" chest
30.5" underbust
9.25" biceps
25.75" waist (the change from earlier this week is probably due to being a girl, bloating is mandatory).
31.75" belly button
36.75" hips
37.25" butt
22" thighs
14" calves

I think my biggest concerns for winning this race to abs are my weakness for sweets and the fact that my main fat store is my lower abdomen... and that I hate crunches. (Seriously, what does the world have against complete sit-ups?!). I'm also worried about school and keeping up with everything I need to do to build up my experience for future job prospects; I really want to be in the best shape I can be but I can't sacrifice my grades... it's very tempting to just switch over to fitness but I have no science background so I'd need to start all over. So. I'm sticking with Library Science since I'm almost done anyway and I'm going to make sure school is at the very top of my list. Gosh, lists...
Don't worry I won't share another list with you. Unless you'd like to see my average grocery list? That would be an interesting one to share because diet is more than half the 'battle'. I know some people love/hate that statistic but it's true. If you eat nothing but meat, starch, and processed foods, you're going to feel and look crappy. If you eat clean veggies, fruits, complex carbs/starchs, portioned lean proteins and/or meats, you're going to feel better. Yes that slice of decadent chocolate fudge cake will be amazing on your fork and goo-ing between your teeth but that signal that the food is sending to your brain is just that-- a signal. It is instant pleasure rather than lasting enjoyment. The goal should be for lasting enjoyment, a.k.a. food that transfers into long-term energy for your body.
I'm still not sure how to get myself through 3pm without feeling like sleep is the only thing in the world I want. Solution: siesta. Not gonna happen.

I'll continue to do my best at keeping up with the weekly posts. Hope you're all taking January by storm. 


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More Goals She Says?

Life is full of experiences and we run around a lot without mindfulness if we don't make at least broad goals. I think it's time for me to set some new goals. I've already told you all about the Race to Abs with Alex but I'm thinking more adult goals like setting up internships and stuff. I'm 22 now and grad school seems like it's a quarter of the way done. Heck, it seems like it's the last semester with how fast everyone gets on things here. I really need to become more firm on my major's focus. I'm in my first archiving class, Cataloging and Classifying Nonbook Materials, which is nice so far but the actually cataloging part may not be my thing. There's always the learning curb to start off with so if by the middle of the semester I'm not feeling cataloging more, then I think maybe I should look more into Reference Librarianship.
So, with everything going on and my indecision needing to be made into decision, and after seeing the progress of my wonderful sister Kaitlin on her blog, I will make a list of goals!
1) Make a list of internships/volunteer work opportunities and get the information.
2) Actually write down all the job postings in my field that I find interesting.
3) Make use of thumb tacks.
4) Make a new friend by the end of the semester. (I know this one sounds kind of cheesy but it'd be nice to make a new friend that I can spend time with during school-- just to cover the basic life necessities of girls: you know, nails, talk about boys, watch chick flicks, do yoga, give hugs and maybe even go to the gym together).
5) Drink more hot tea. (I used to drink it often but now the frequency has withered to about once every two weeks).
6) Be a better friend. (More texting and calling, more simple 'hellos' and 'i was thinking of you todays'. Everyone sees a little more sunshine when their friend sends a smile.)
7) Get back to nature. (I love to be outdoors and I've enjoyed hiking. It's time to get back to it and breathe in the gift of life all around me when separated from technology. There needs to be balance.)
8) Find out about how to do summer semester courses.

I just realized this is the second list I've made on my blog, the first being my guidelines for healthier living. I like lists, they help me keep my focus. I've read recently that lists can hinder our ability to be open to life but I think that's only when you take it to extreme and when you forget to take care of yourself. If you have no time to breathe, I think breathing should definitely be put at the top of the list. Use lists to guide your day but don't let it dictate it. If you've been out running errands all day and you still have to go pick up light bulbs, it can wait. Get the light bulbs tomorrow, move them over to another list because breathing can't be moved. It needs to happen for you to have a happy life. Everything else can wait for at least a moment.

Monday, January 20, 2014

We Have So Many Nice Things Now!

Sorry I missed Thursday, and Friday... and Saturday and Sunday. School is in full swing and I'm taking on my homework and reading responsibilities... along with new video games to grab at my attention. Disney Infinity is not what I expected it to be but Vanellope is the most awesome-adorable character in the world. She kicks butt and wins your heart with all her cuteness, for every moment you play her. The game really doesn't allow you to understand it until you are immersed. You especially won't get the differences between Toy Box and Adventures until you set out to try one and the other. If you love Disney and you like cutesy, kiddie games this one is definitely one to add to the list (just under Super Mario 3D World which is the best contribution in the Mario sequels. Ever. Seriously. I'll be talking about that in a moment, too). Disney Infinity is complete with kick-butt super hero action and adorable and pretty princess cuteness! My only complaint is the amount of time needed to put into the game to get more spins for the Toy Box Vault which is similar to roulette in that you spin to receive an item shown on the screen. These items in the Toy box Vault are used in your Tox Box to create worlds and such. You can also purchase power ups and items for your toy box but they are a mystery until you open the packaging. Other than those two things, and some glitching with the Wii U and delay switching from Spark mode back to regular, it is a wonderful game. Very family-friendly. Oh, and another wonderfully adorable thing is when you have the Sugar Rush sky for your toy box, you get to listen to the music!

Now, Super Mario 3D World just makes the top of my list. Not only because there is a power up that allows you to be a cat. Okay, yes it does but it also has wonderful other things like new bad guys and fairies (if you know me, you know I like fairies). I'm am currently playing as Peach but I look forward to playing Princess Rosalina! I'm not sure what color kitty she'll be with the power up but I'm sure it'll be adorable.

No picture of me this week because I'm too lazy to switch out of my jammies into something that would be suitable (i'm sure you will survive without seeing my current mid-section for one week) but my measurements as of today (Sunday) are:

39" shoulders
33.25" chest
30" underbust
9.25" biceps
27" waist
31.5" belly button
36.25" hips
37.5" butt
22" thighs
14" calves

I'll be posting again soon to make up for being so late and I'll definitely push myself to get my Thursday fitness post posted on Thursday this week. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Rules? I Like To Refer To Them More As Guidelines.

Everyone likes to set rules for having themselves on a healthier diet. Don't eat donuts, don't eat carbs (I flinch when people say they don't eat carbs... an apple consists of carbs), drink more water, go to the gym three times a week, etc. Goals are good. Some rules are good, too. But the problem with being so strict with your rules is that you go on a binge because you've denied yourself that donut, that piece of cake or scoop of ice cream. When you deny yourself and you are constantly thinking of that treat, it becomes an obsession. Once you get it, you fall off your healthy kick and figure "hey, I'll just eat whatever I want today then just start up again tomorrow." It's fine to slip up, it's not fine to give up and fall back on your limitless re-starts. When you want to be healthy and take care of your body, you are making a commitment to yourself. The only person who gets hurt when you give in to binges is you. This is why rules can be bent and should be considered as guidelines.
If you really want that piece of cake, have a slice-- a slice the size of a single serving, not the size of your last piece of cake ever. It's not realistic to say you'll never eat cake or have a treat again. If you treat your rules with flexibility, then you can have the cake, eat it, and then continue on your healthy path. Don't quit for the day/night/week/month. Continue on because our construct of time is just a societal invention. The world keeps spinning whether the sun or the moon shines, and whether or not you are awake or asleep. Eat the cake, continue on your healthy path, maybe reconsider how much you actually enjoyed eating the piece of cake in comparison to other activities like going for a bike ride or painting.
In the past I've struggled with rules myself: don't eat cookies, don't drink your calories, don't rely only on the elliptical, etc. Better results were found when I was allowed that cookie-- I often decided I was content with that one cookie and probably wouldn't want one again for a while. Now that I keep to my set healthy path without denying myself a treat, it's easier to remember why we eat. Yes, we do seek flavorful and personally appetizing foods for pleasure but the main reason we even have the desire to eat is for nutrition. Sustenance. So eat in consideration of what you're getting from your food and take delight when you can have a small treat.

Sometimes lists of your guidelines help you to see your over-all goal. Here is mine, for example:

Wake up with yoga.

Don't look at the mirror unless you are:
a) doing makeup
b) brushing teeth
c) putting skin-loving stuff on
d) doing your hair
or e) admiring the progress of your body [it's not vain, you should enjoy your body!]
If you're  not eating oatmeal for breakfast, make veggies to go with your eggs.

Don't eat processed foods.

Don't eat after 8PM.

Drink tea and/or an apple as a night-time snack.

Eat as much Kale as you can possibly squeeze into your diet.

Sodas, juices, and candies are treats-- treat them as such.

Remember serving sizes-- especially with starches.

Limit video game time.

Read for enjoyment for at least an hour every day.

Write your thoughts down, share some inspiration or simply bid everyone a good day.

Limit your Facebook time; your friends may be looking at their screen the same as you but nothing beats face-to-face interaction.

Do your school work. It may not be on your list of things you enjoy, but the sooner you get it done, the less likely you'll be missing out on opportunities because you have a last minute assignment to complete.

Don't stress so much. Money is a necessity in life but you cannot let it determine your happiness. Remember what makes life worth living for you. Be with your loved ones, play bingo, do yoga...

Love every creature and treat them as you do your friends. We all strive for the same thing: happiness.

If you have a crazy schedule, map it out and make time to relax. You deserve time to just breathe and be still.

You can do anything.

Okay so this is a pretty long list of guidelines and they're obviously personal. However, the idea is to show that you need to agree with yourself about your goals. Like I have trouble taking care of my skin and leaving pimples alone so I want to try to avoid the mirror unless I have an acceptable reason to use it. Also, I feel like reading for enjoyment would make reading for school less of a struggle. As for the ones that are specific to eating habits and such, that is mean realizing some things I can change and do less often to help me better work towards my goals of fitness and physical health. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

More Good Habits

"Maaaa'm! I want to do yoga, too!"

I figured you would all enjoy some Rinpoche cuteness after the first week of classes.

This week I went to a gym class at the USF Rec Center: Muscle Madness! It kicked my butt and boy were my legs sore after. This little guy kept me in check the morning after by making sure I didn't slack on my asanas. This class is definitely one I'll be going to again. Monday night? Sounds like Muscle Madness night to me!

Even though it's been cold, I've been pushing to do at least something each day (this week, I counted walking in the mall as something... it will not be allowed again). Looking back, I need to be more strict with myself about starches and portion sizes. I also need to try eating more frequently which is a challenge Friday through Sunday since I work ten to six those days. I can have snacks if I need to but it's tough when things are actually busy at the store.

I hope your semesters are all off to a good start. Here's how mine is right now: 

39.25" shoulders
33.5" chest
30.25" under bust
9.25" biceps
27" waist
30" belly button
36.5" hips
37.25" butt
22" thighs
14" calves

I'm doing my best to measure myself exactly the same way every time but there's always room for human error. Once I find that darn scale at the gym, I can include my weight to help better associate changes. Or I'll just have to use Publix's scale. 
No workout clothes for this one but, ironically enough, I'm still wearing pink. Alex says I'm going to have that indented V once I kick my lower abdomen's butt but idk. I'm just looking forward to my venus dimples being more pronounced. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hi, My Name Is Catherine and I'm Addicted to Bioshock Infinite

Okay, I'm not really addicted but I'm really caught up on this amazing game. I'm not one for first person shooters or gory-games but the graphics and the story are so amazing I can't help it. I'm happy to repeatedly do a head-shot on a crazed man in a fireman suit, with the vigor of flame balls-- as long as I get my fix of the story in the process. It's quite addicting and there hasn't been one time I've played it since purchase that I haven't stared at the screen for less than two hours. Two hours. Four days since the completion of the download, no less than two hours each day, that's eight hours on this game. Not unheard of and not extreme but when I woke up this morning I realized I didn't have to work and immediately got giddy that I could hop on the computer and play after my morning yoga and breakfast. Not before my shower, of course. At the end of my three-hour fix I told myself that I should probably take a shower.
Then I decided, yes, that would indeed be a good idea. I didn't want to be like Penny from Big Bang Theory. Alex assures me I won't but I still thought of the possibility. In case you don't watch the show, here's a clip to give you an idea (though even this may not help because there are complex relationships and such going on throughout the show).

There's nothing wrong with playing videogames but it's my goal to always choose doing something outdoors or active over playing a videogame (even bioshock infinite).
But, seriously guys, if you like videogames, you should definitely playing Bioshock Infinite. Worth your time and thoughts as it goes far beyond what first person shooters usually offer.

So keep up with those new years resolutions, drink more water, play a little Bioshock, and don't forget to feed your cat! 

Rinpoche wanted to give me and you both a message:

He also typed this lovely little message for you: 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Make the Change

I've said before that we are creatures of habit, but we are also creatures who yearn for companionship. Whether we're selfish or completely self-less, we care about someone. Compassion is the essence of a happy life and it is my strong belief that we cannot love or care for others if we cannot take care of ourselves.
So many of us expect our loved ones to be healthy and do their best, but what does it mean if we don't take care of ourselves? What does it mean if we tell a child not to smoke but continue to smoke ourselves. We all know the risks, the damage things like smoking do to our bodies but we don't change. We don't change. That's where the problem is. If we don't accept change-- the battle that comes along with giving up a bad habit or an addiction-- then we fall; we fall deep into samsara and hurt not only ourselves but those who love us.
Smoking is bad and people know the risks... but it won't happen to you, right? You won't lose your ability to sit through a movie without a smoke break; you won't spend the money you were supposed to spend on groceries on your fix; you won't end up in the hospital, you won't be physically crippled.... you won't. What about us? What about the people walking by; what about your children? We are all in this together. We need to battle these bad habits and form positive, beneficial ones. You are not alone and you never will be.
Stop the bad habits. It doesn't matter how long it takes, just fight the battle every day. If you slip, catch yourself on one of the cliff's rocks; you'll be hurt but at least you won't be dead. Make the change you need to make to better yourself... so that you can better us.

A Sort-of-Buddhist Asthmatic


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blog-ger-ri-fic-ness! & My Weekly Race 2 Abs Update

I'm really excited to share with all of you that there are two new wonderful blogger's out here on the internet! Two of my fellow 'noles have decided to record and share their goingons of their personal journeys. (Kaitlin: and Brandi: ).

As one has already discussed, first steps are tough and, while many steps after the first step are tough, too, I applaud them both for making a public commitment to their goals. Sometimes it takes all eyes and a bit of shove to get things going.

Speaking of public commitment, it's Thursday! Time for an update on how my Race 2 Abs is going. Last night I had an apple something donut from Dunkin Donuts and I can tell you that I won't be having one again for quite some time. Flavors are nice but it just doesn't seem worth it anymore. I crave for read food like fresh plums and garlic kale with steamed carrots. Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. I can do this; anyone can do this. It just requires you to read up on nutrition and healthy habits like saying no to Dunkin and yes to the power of Kale and a pot of tea.

Measurements as of now are:

39.75" shoulders
33.5" chest
29" under bust
9.5" biceps
26.75" waist
30" belly button
36" hips
37.75" butt
21.75" thighs
14" calves

I want to include my weight but unfortunately I do not currently have access to a scale. I'll have to rummage through Salvation Army or Good Will and pop some tags. If not, I'll find one at the USF Rec Center and add that into my weekly updates.
Workouts lately have mostly been on the elliptical (which I will be making a post about soon). I've had some great results in the past with this particular machine and it's a great way to bring me back the good habits I enforced last spring. In addition to this fascinating machine, I've also kept to my daily yoga routine and added sit-ups.Sit-ups seem to have a not-so great reputation with people and are more often than not replaced with the loatheful crunch (seriously, I hate crunches-- sit-ups cover a bigger area and don't give me a neck ache while I'm building my core strength). It's safe to say I much prefer old-fashioned sit-ups.
Aside from last night's donut, I have kept a hearty and veggie-ful diet. Lots of Kale. Alex even put Kale in the soup he made this past Sunday.
Things are going really good and truly think I have the one-up in this Race to Abs.

Hope you all have got this New Year going with mindfully, happy and healthy habits!