Monday, January 20, 2014

We Have So Many Nice Things Now!

Sorry I missed Thursday, and Friday... and Saturday and Sunday. School is in full swing and I'm taking on my homework and reading responsibilities... along with new video games to grab at my attention. Disney Infinity is not what I expected it to be but Vanellope is the most awesome-adorable character in the world. She kicks butt and wins your heart with all her cuteness, for every moment you play her. The game really doesn't allow you to understand it until you are immersed. You especially won't get the differences between Toy Box and Adventures until you set out to try one and the other. If you love Disney and you like cutesy, kiddie games this one is definitely one to add to the list (just under Super Mario 3D World which is the best contribution in the Mario sequels. Ever. Seriously. I'll be talking about that in a moment, too). Disney Infinity is complete with kick-butt super hero action and adorable and pretty princess cuteness! My only complaint is the amount of time needed to put into the game to get more spins for the Toy Box Vault which is similar to roulette in that you spin to receive an item shown on the screen. These items in the Toy box Vault are used in your Tox Box to create worlds and such. You can also purchase power ups and items for your toy box but they are a mystery until you open the packaging. Other than those two things, and some glitching with the Wii U and delay switching from Spark mode back to regular, it is a wonderful game. Very family-friendly. Oh, and another wonderfully adorable thing is when you have the Sugar Rush sky for your toy box, you get to listen to the music!

Now, Super Mario 3D World just makes the top of my list. Not only because there is a power up that allows you to be a cat. Okay, yes it does but it also has wonderful other things like new bad guys and fairies (if you know me, you know I like fairies). I'm am currently playing as Peach but I look forward to playing Princess Rosalina! I'm not sure what color kitty she'll be with the power up but I'm sure it'll be adorable.

No picture of me this week because I'm too lazy to switch out of my jammies into something that would be suitable (i'm sure you will survive without seeing my current mid-section for one week) but my measurements as of today (Sunday) are:

39" shoulders
33.25" chest
30" underbust
9.25" biceps
27" waist
31.5" belly button
36.25" hips
37.5" butt
22" thighs
14" calves

I'll be posting again soon to make up for being so late and I'll definitely push myself to get my Thursday fitness post posted on Thursday this week. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

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