Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Amrit, Not-it Yoga

Amrit yoga was not what I expected at all. I figured it would be spiritual with strong focus on breath during poses but the entire class I went to was centered on breath, and connecting with your seventh chakra. While that sounds kind of cool, it was very frustrating at the end when I have so much energy build up to spend. I wanted to use my energy, relieve myself of tension and while the instructor meant well, sometimes just breathing isn't enough. It's great for people who have long work days and are stressed but this is at a college campus where there is stress and students do get tired but not the extent of a full-scheduled mother or anything like that. The day I went was a very blah day thanks to the icky rainy weather and I just bummed around the apartment watching movies all day, caught up with my shows. I needed to use that energy build up but unfortunately Amrit Yoga is not meant for that.
At least now I know. I gave it an honest attempt and respected the instructor's styles but it's just not for me. I need my Vinyasa; I need to feel my muscles shake while sweat drips down... I need my power yoga back. I'm still hunting and to be honest I'm still trying to get myself back into good habits. I've just been so busy in the mind and now I feel icky because my period... I need to push past these excuses. I will keep you posted.


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