Saturday, December 28, 2013

Race to Abs Week 2

If you know me you know that I like to make schedules but it's difficult keeping to them while keeping up with prior commitments. I'll get the hang of posting on Thursdays or just have to adjust. I'll make it work.
So I wasn't awful this past week with food but I did make and eat cookies and had a tiny piece of pie (I actually mean tiny). I did good with avoiding processed foods aside from some crackers on the road trip home. Veggies have been a delight each day and were much appreciated while at my parent's for Christmas. It's sad to say but I was actually quite hungry for the couple days I was there. It's tough being a mostly-vegetarian person in a home where the main staples are chicken and white rice. My family does their best to make adjustments but it's tough.
I've been working on getting lots of kale back into my weekly diet as well as the wonderful oil of olive. Sweets are yummy but I'm going to work harder on kicking those out by replacing them with tea, an apple, or even a banana-- my banana cookies would be a good choice here too.
So the measurements for today are:

40" shoulders
33.5" chest
29" under bust
9.5" biceps
27" waist
31" belly button
36" hips
37.5" butt
20.75" thighs
14" calves

The changes are small but they're still changes-- credit to my time on the elliptical, sit-ups, and yoga. Once the campus gym is back on regular scheduling, it's back to the weight floor for me! Oh, and the rowing machine will get to see me again, too, of course.

There was some gossip going on about my last photo and I'd just like to clear the air in regards to the public-access of the image of me in my underwear. I viewed it as equivalent to wearing a bathing suit, which it is, but our society views a two piece and a bra and underwear as entirely different articles of clothing, even though they cover the same amount of body. So, I figured I would just wear my workout clothes and then at the very end I'll buy a new bathing suit or something and flash everyone with my new abs. Here's me in my new workout clothes (thanks mommy!).

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