Friday, November 28, 2014

Holiday Spirit

Thursday night I came back to Tampa and unexpectedly went to target and a couple other stores to check out the Black Friday deals... on the night of Thanksgiving. While I looked around reminding myself that I really need to make myself buy pants (because I haven't bought new pants in over a year), I realized that all these people decided to go out shopping instead of staying at home and snuggling up with family and a hot cup of coco (because it's the season to say hot coco).
I couldn't help but see how the holiday spirit was thoroughly lacking. I felt no cheer around me, no sense that people were hopeful-- only the dull numbing feel that most people are going to spend more than they have and just come back another day to return at least half of what they bought. 
Where did the holiday spirit go? Is it really just packages boxes and bags? I'll always be a firm believer that Christmas is something more. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Way Beyond Yonkers

"Like seeds into the earth, we must release our hopes into the world 
if we ever wish to harvest the fruit." -Myself

"As humans we fear the unknown, but it is the way of the universe to 
always have a question to carry." - Myself