Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Namaste, 2015

It would be an over statement to say that this past year has been filled with decisions and change. This year, though unique in its own right, has been much like the past years. Making a life for yourself and living is filled with change and decisions. I may only be 23 but I see many more ahead, for decades to come. While the decisions I am making now cause much more of an immediate effect now than previous choices, I know that everything I do and say all adds up to make me who I am in this moment. And this moment as well. 
There are moments and times that cause me sadness when I look back on them but I cannot allow them to be a part of the now. Those moments have passed and I accept that they happened. I was in a steady depression at the beginning of 2014. Thanks to the love of my life partner, Alex, and our children, friends, and family I have regained my cheerful heart. There are still moments of sadness I find but the trick is to take a deep breath and let it go. The sadness serves me not and it certainly doesn't help anyone else. 
I foresee a rocky year ahead of me, one of tight finances but broad possibilities of growth and adventure. This time in the past I would make selfish wishes but now, my deepest wish is to grow spiritually not so that I may elevate myself in some way but to be more giving and understanding. Many of you may say I am a good person and while these are kind words, I feel I have yet to live up to the compliment. This year I hope to become better at giving all that I can. I hope to achieve a state in my yoga that will allow me to help reach out to others seeking peace and restore their faith in themselves. My deepest wish is for love-- for all beings to feel it engulf them and fill their lives with hope and generosity.
With a few minutes to midnight, the stamp of a new year according to society but just another day for the universe, I send out all the positive energy I can muster to make these next few moments be as special as you hope. I send out the warmth of my friendship with the understanding that any moment can be special, any day can be life-changing. You don't have to wait for new years to start anew and make big changes, but it doesn't hurt to use it as a good excuse.
I wish you all a Happy New Year. 
The life force within me acknowledges the same life force within you.

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