Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A ladybug with a broken wing

by FatimaZahraeM, dA

Climb up each twig and leaf, every sprig and chip. 
You reach the top and move around, feeling the warmth of the sun. 
You open the other wing to match the one that won't close. You feel the wind and you release your hold. You fall.
You pull yourself up and climb once more to the summit. You try again. And you fall again. 
I watch you as you try , wondering what to do. You are only given two and one is hurt. 
I pick the limb that holds you high and look closer. You are calm, afraid for more reasons than one. 
I touch the extended wing feeling what you have lost. 
I stare. 
You stare.

I place you down and you lay still in the shade. 
A moment passes and you begin again. Trying and trying and trying again. 
Then you just stay at the top, the weight of what cannot be fixed grounding you to the peak of your branch. 
There you stay. 
What you think about I will never know but in this moment little bug know that you were not alone.

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