Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunshine In the Sunshine State

Another lovely morning for yoga outside. I even got a cute tan line from my strappy top!
I've recently decided to just hold off on my attempts to find somewhere affordable to get certified and just work on my own personal practice. I have considered teaching some friends or just providing an open space to practice along-side me and I think I'd like to do that since I have so much free time. Anyone on my friends list, or even friends of friends, let me know if you're interested. Male, female, young, or old just bring a mat, towel, water bottle, and a desire to flow. I'm not looking to make it advanced since I'm not very advanced myself but its totally cool to do your own thing. 
I'm working on a playlist now and once I have that settled and I see who's interested I'll set this up.
On an sweet and cute-sie note, my father surprised me with a male Siamese kitten today and he is now the newest member of the Negron-Seavey family. His name is Rinpoche (yes, right out of Breakfast With Buddha--one of my favorite novels) and, true to the name, I'm sure I will have much to learn from him as be goes through potty training and other big adjustments like learning to be okay with Sheba, my parent's German Shepherd-Chow doggie.

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