Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Another -ism that pops up often for me? Veganism. I've stated before I am lactose-intolerant and I only eat eggs for breakfast and then ice cream and fish on occasion (of course not together). This often leads to the public suspicion that I am vegan, which is not a bad thing, but a curious one when I take into consideration the reactions to my answer. These range from confusion, misunderstanding, to disappointment.
The most recent one was disappointment and it got me to thinking: "why not try vegan?"
I spoke with Alex about the idea and he asked what kind of vegan I would want to be and I had to consider super veganism, and just plain vegan. I categorize super-veganism as no honey, no anything at all made from animals (this is not limited to food). As I am a person who enjoys the few quality items I do own, such as my leather purse, I will not be doing super veganism. Why would I want to cut out honey anyway? Honey is more often than not harvested from un-harmed bees and  when they are used for harvesting honey they are provided with substantial circumstances that allow for best health and reproduction. I say, go bee farmers! for helping the bees progress in their productiveness.
That said, it will be a little difficult to give up the occasional ice cream but there are so many delicious vegan ice cream options like coconut and soy milk ice cream. My biggest challenge though will be weening off the eggs. Eggs have been a part of my breakfast for quite some time and I've relied on them as a big source of my daily protein intake. I absolutely love the taste of them and they help me start my day.
I feel that giving veganism a try will give me a push to create new meals for breakfast and find even more sources of protein to get the day started.
So far today I've done good. I ate a whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter, raisins, a banana, and almond milk. An hour or so after I ate stir-fried mushrooms and spinach with almonds.
Unlike today's breakfast, which I had to follow up soon after with veggies, I know eating my fancy oatmeal will keep me full for quite a while. The problem is I don't want to rely on oatmeal every day. Perhaps I need to broaden my horizons for what can be eaten for breakfast. There's vegan pancakes and waffles but I dont want to be limited to wheat products or eggs substitutes. I want to eat real food-- food that comes from the earth. I'm thinking my research into pre-yoga drinks will be a big help with this.

That being said, I know you're all wondering how my new little angel is doing and he's doing wonderfully. He had flees when I first got him but I think a bath, and Colie's determination to hand-pick off each one, has done the trick. No scratching, and no sight of any icky bugs. Just to be safe, I'm still going to use the flea, ear mite, worm medicine that should be in the mail soon. Here's the cutie pie being just CUTE! And his big brother sleeping on a chair, being his adorable, fat kitty self.

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