Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Heart Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! The day most people celebrate by stuffing their faces with chocolate and goodies. I am usually one of those people. The past years have proven that I am and always will be a chocoholic but this year shows that I can control my urge to eat sweets and treats. I also appreciate the goodies I do get more so. Why yes, I can just have one cookie (if home made).
This year for Valentine's Day I worked but I also handed out some S'more Cupcakes to my coworkers and baked my tried and true peanut butter chocolate chip cookies for friends. I also made red velvet cheesecake brownies. I'm pretty excited about that one; it's the first time I've ever made brownies from scratch. Alex was super excited when I told him that was his v-day treat.

Tomorrow? I get a day full of surprise. Alex is taking me I don't know where and giving me a gift in addition to the one I already received earlier this week (Frozen Soundtrack! ^_^).

Alright now about this fitness business. Still going well, just had a bit of a shlump week with my mood. I think I just need more interaction with people. It's tough working all the time when Alex is off work and being at home when he's at work. I try to keep busy but busy isn't enough, I need conversation. So my mood made me half-ass a couple things this week but not much. I went to a "Power Yoga" class but was a bit bummed when it was subbed by someone who basically just taught it like it was stretching and never once mentioned breathing as part of the poses.

This week my measurements are:

39.5" shoulders
9" biceps
33" chest
29.75" under-bust
26.75" waist
36.75" hips
37.25" butt
21.75" thighs
14" calves

Oh the joy of fluctuation and being a girl.

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