Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I have seen the light. I now understand why women spend such exuberant amounts on high heels. I recently purchased a pair of BCBG stiletto shoes from Ross for about $60 and they are the most comfortable heels my feet have ever experienced. Walking is entirely possible though I imagine the feeling of walking in them is similar to the first time a baby giraffe really figures out how to walk. I certainly feel like a giraffe in them! Luckily Alex is quite a tall guy; he remains taller than me when i wear these.
Now that I think of it, these are the highest heels I've ever worn. My Vera Wang's are pretty high but those have the hidden platform. These heels are a setup similar to calf raises-- and at the end of the night I feel like my calves had a workout!
I'm not saying that I will buy more expensive shoes but I am saying that buying the pricier heel that will not only last longer but provide as much comfort possible from a high heel is indeed worth it.

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