Saturday, July 19, 2014

About Five (Minutes) To Share

Last night the AC went caputtie again but it somehow defrosts itself if we melt for two hours or so. It will be so nice to be in the new apartment in September. I do hope the babies make a comfortable transition to the new place, though.
On other notes, I'm almost done with this ugh summer semester and happy to be getting into my real summer break. I look forward to finally finishing the poke'mon board (I'm ashamed at how long it's taken me to do-- even though it hurts my neck after an hour or so). I can also finally start working with the sewing machine-- clutch purse here I come! I look forward to sharing crafty stuff with all of you.
Also, I just want to state that I have gained two pounds from the cruise but that happens, right? I've heard so many people complain about gaining weight on cruises and now I totally understand why (which reminds me I need to finish posting about my cruise! I'll get to that asap after school stuff is done). There's so much food and it's all already paid for so why not try everything-- why not do everything? But I am back in good habits (minus this weird morning of not sleeping well). I look forward to getting back to the gym classes this Monday. I'm so ready to kick my own butt into shape.
I hope everyone's weekend is off to an awesome start!

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