Friday, August 29, 2014

Bountiful 'N Stuff

As I sit here on my lunch break staring at the remnants of my potato leek soup I realize I haven't written my blog post yet today. I was going to do it this morning but I got a hit on fb in regards to the desk we re trying to sell. Then I had to scramble to finish getting ready for work. Made it on time-- I've been doin good about that these past couples months and I'm happy my managers have noticed my extra efforts. I'll need to make sure to leave even earlier next weekend as we will be at our new place! It's not farther, it's just nestled on the road in a weird way so I may need five more minutes to meet the same clock.
My seedlings that I started at work are looking good-- I'm hoping I don't take too long with the pallet garden project. The 3-4 of the bush beans are ready to be moved but I have nowhere for them yet. Bush beans are delicious and I'm so happy I'll get to grow them on our own back patio. 
Something else on my mind is my school work. I have a discussion post I have to write tonight and I have yet to do the reading. The question is simple "define information literacy" so I'm sure I'll be able to gather my ideas along with the readings to give an acceptable post. Maybe work will be slow enough to allow me reading time. I doubt it-- the Friday truck is here and it's my turn to check it in. After that it'll be time to stock the floor. 
On a fun note, we get this seasons seeds in finally! A bit late but I think it'll all turn out fine. We do live in Florida after all-- not much fear for frost until January.
I hope everyone's weekend gets off to a good start. I'm sure many of you who are back to school are welcoming the chance to really spend time and catch up with friends. Some of you may need a drink after a rediculously early (in the semester) exam. Whatever it is you need this weekend, I hope you find bounty. 

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