Monday, August 25, 2014

For Today

The end of True Blood; the finale of LOK Book 3; the start of a new semester. Will this one be different from the last? Will I finally meet new people and make new friends? Will I learn some crazy sewing and crafting skills? Will I ever push beyond my current yoga boundaries? As you know, I'll be moving into my new place next week. It's a pleasant fit: a new place for a new semester. Change is scary but it's good for the spirit. Our energy thrives on the changes all around us. Today may be similar to yesterday but it's always a new day. It's always a new moment. We have control over what we think and what we do. We are right now. I am responsible for making myself learn new skills and push my own boundaries. I am responsible for making new friends.
I just have to put myself out there.
Here's to the start of a new semester. Whether it starts off well or the worst ever, you can make it through. Make new memories, make it all worth it.

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