Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mostly Vegan-- Mostly.

I was going to finish writing a post on flatulence and how I've been having some pretty stinky ones since I made the switch to veganism. It does take time for the body to adjust but I'd say a week of gassing my boyfriend is enough to determine two things: (1) he's a keeper for leaving the room but still willing to come back and kiss me and (2) something needs to be done so I don't kill him or anyone else. I was going to discuss how and why the body produces -ahem- flatulency but after today's overwhelming hunger and exhaustion-- and boredom of tofu-- I've determined that I'm going to try for a mostly vegan lifestyle.

It's pretty much what I've been doing for the longest time, just with less eggs, chocolate, and fish. Not too hard after this past week but eggs are much too yummy to ban from my breakfast forever. Vegan pancakes are awesome but tofu scramble can't entirely replace the yumminess of eggs. So there will be eggs, just not every morning like it used to be. I need the variety in my diet and, being a person who loves food, I just can't say no all the time to my perky, little, unfertilized embryo. So hello again to Freddies and Eggies in a Basket!

After a Google search on veganism I found this NYTimes article on how common it is for people to be vegans most of the week or month but then they have a day or so for them to not be vegan. Still a lovely effort towards more veggies in my opinion. 

Oh, and in case you were wondering, mint teas and real mint/extract help a little with the stinkies. 

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