Friday, June 14, 2013

Going Vegan

Going vegan is not that difficult-- as long as you get to buy all of your own groceries. The moment other people and being on the go become involved, it gets complicated. My biggest problems are: eating over Alex's house (his family hasn't even adjusted to support him being vegetarian so vegan is absolutely a challenge there) and breakfast. 
Ill have a vegan breakfast but ill still feel hungry if its not oatmeal. I definitely need to have more food an hour later or something with significant protein to help offset the absence of eggs. To be entirely honest, I do miss eggs. 
However, I may have found a solution: tofu scramble! This morning I gave it a try and I wasn't disappointed. 
So I'm definitely still learning and I can't say I've managed to avoid meat products entirely: milk in the mashed potatoes at Alex's house, and chicken broth used to make the rice in my moms arroz con pollo. With some time and the opportunity to buy all my own groceries (like when Alex and I finally move in together in August!), Im sure this can work. I do love my veggies. 

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