Monday, September 23, 2013

AzodicarBut I Thought My Bread Was Fresh Made?

Big question for the food businesses and industries out there: Why can't you just serve food? Like, the stuff that occurs naturally--in nature. You know, the areas of the world untouched by industrialization and the rape of the word food?
I was recently reading an article on yet another additive to food products (I stress the difference between food and food products because real food shouldn't involve so many steps to make it into your bowl or onto your plate.). This specific additive is called Azodicarbonamide and it has multipurpose use: foamy plastics and fluffy breads. Like, edible breads-- the ones you eat from Subway.
Why add crap to our food products? To keep them products. It's not about nutrition, it's just about sale. It's not about health, it's about triggering that sugary clasp in your mind to keep you coming back for more... to keep selling.
When I read articles like these it reminds me why my mind and body has changed so much since I started focusing my meals on fresh ingredients (except oatmeal; I may want to start looking into the brands of instant I buy) and made it a goal to eat as little out of boxes as possible. Yes, produce has the issue of pesticides but at least I know I have the organic option as well as vinegar wash to help minimize unnaturals from my food.
I'm feeling really frustrated, the more I think about it. No other country does what we do, to the extent that we do.
The US is the land of opportunity and, unfortunately, the opportunities are seized by big corporations and make food into products. The death of bread, cheese, juice, and the like seems inevitable. Why would someone buy fresh when they can buy a loaf that will never mold or harden over a year's time? Why would anyone want to actual eat a naturally nutritional food item instead of a product of a long toxic process that supports an unhealthy American diet?

End of rant for desire for real food everywhere.

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