Friday, May 16, 2014

Get Carried Away Into Cosplay!

Almost forgot. Almost... but I didn't. Yay. So I mentioned in my previous blog post that Alex and I are going to do cosplay. Well this rocket ship is taking off fast! We went thrift shopping (imma pop some tags) to look for a sewing machine and lo and behold the first place we went we found an old Singer 457 for $17! It's missing both spool pins and has a little rust on the slide plate but it runs, stuff spins, and the pedal is in good condition. Alex and I have also been finding a lot of patterns and tutorials for miscellaneous costumes and accessories (both relevant and not so relevant). I'm nervous about working with lycra/spandex but we have time to get our basic sewing skills mastered then build on top of that. First project? Penny's pillow. I hand-sewed it and now it's in need of a wash-- perfect opportunity to use the sewing machine. It will also help me see about the efficiency left on the needle and learn by trial an error how to use the machine in general.
Alex is really getting into everything. He's signed up on to ask questions and comment in the forums and he's watching Youtube videos as I type on making masks and such. It makes me smile. He was also extremely excited when we got the sewing machine for just $17 (compared to the $90 we were seeing as a beginning base point in Joann's). We knew there was no way we were going to get better than that for that type of machine.
My point of excitement was the $30 investment in some hot boots that we found at Anarchist Closet (support local shops!). There they were originally priced at $59.99 but this weekend only they had 50% off everything. When the lady rung them up she said that they're actually new and the woman who had them didn't want to sell them so cheap considering she bought them for $200. I have no idea how you spend two hundred bucks on a pair of boots and never wear them. They're pretty high and tough to walk in-- I'll need to wear thick socks and make some adjustments but they really are kick @$$. They go a little higher than mid-thigh and are shiny black (totally originally from a sex shop but they're going to be PERFECT).
Oh lookie, I found an image of them on Amazon.

I'm not going to do Bleez but her costume is inspiring my own
(at least as far as the hot boots go!).

Perhaps something closer in similarity to Antipathy's outfit.
I won't be ready for quality masks or wing structures for a while.

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