Friday, May 23, 2014

Oops I Did It Again

This is becoming a normal thing: for me to miss a day and post two the next day to make up for it. At least I'm doing them.
Yesterday was fairly productive. I cleaned up the apartment a bit and tried to work on my assignment that's due tonight. Summer is going to be pooey as far as classes go-- it's only week two and an assignment is due, I need to watch the recorded lecture I missed last night, and I still have to buy my textbooks for my other class. Hopefully taking summer will actually be beneficial to my degree track. I really need to meet with my advisor to discuss my track and what I can do to make me more employable once I graduate. Working at Worms Way is good but it's not going to help me with jobs after college. I like my pay and the regular schedule but it sucks working weekends every weekend.
I think it'd be good to maybe just volunteer some this summer (probably better once my summer semester ends) and then start looking into summer internships for next summer. 
Well my break is almost over and I have to drive back. I hope everyone has a good Friday; ill post my post for today tonight. 

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