Tuesday, May 13, 2014

He Said "Lost My Girlfriend In IKEA"

No, I didn't really get lost in IKEA. I totally could have though. All those simply beautiful furniture pieces and kitchens just waiting to be built? Yes please.
Today Alex and I took our second trip to IKEA and of course found numerous things we love and hope to someday go back for and use in our future home. We were looking because today we also filled out applications to move into a new apartment in September. The new one will be far bigger (two floors) and we will be rooming with Aaron. I admit I will miss walking around in my undies but this will be good. The bigger space will allow Penny more room to roam and Rinpoche more places to hide and leap out to attack! I am a little nervous because this will be the largest place I've lived in outside of my parents' place. There will be more surfaces to clean, and more space to work with. Space is good but it also means new and more furniture (thus the trip to IKEA).
After IKEA Alex and I took Penny to the park. We weren't there that long but she ran around after other dogs pretty much the whole time. A pooped Penny is a happy Penny.

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