Saturday, June 21, 2014


Big Surprise.

I missed Friday's post. Surprise surprise.

Yesterday was alright, fairly busy at work. I was made aware of a big mistake I made when ringing a transaction up the previous weekend which made me realize how much I both enjoy and need the job at Worm's Way. I enjoy it because I have so many opportunities to learn, I get paid and am guaranteed hours every weekend whether people show up or not (I do, indeed, prefer people coming to the store though-- the day is a drag without customers!). I also enjoy helping people by sharing my knowledge on growing plants in soil or in hydroponics. I need the job because money is necessary to not only be a part of American society but also to buy food and pay bills.
Since being brought aside by my manager I've been extra aware of my transactions. My manager says my work performance otherwise is excellent and people like me so ringing up sales is pretty much the biggest thing I need to keep an extra extra close eye on.

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