Saturday, June 7, 2014

Siren In the Shop

Almost forgot to post again but yay I didn't! 
Work today was okay, fairly busy-- before I knew it it was time to close. I came home and made dinner, watched movies; I wasn't productive in any way. I just have a big case of summer school blahs. I don't want to do school work and I have to encourage myself to do my crafty stuff so that I at least to something with my time other than the internets. 
Today I realized we're only three weeks away from my brother's wedding. I am so excited to see him and Jenny and actually have time with them afterwards while on our family cruise. I'm hoping everything goes well and they both get to really enjoy their special day. On Wednesday I go back to the seamstress to check on the status of my bridesmaid dress and, hopefully, it will fit well. 
I've been working out almost everyday for about a month and I think it may have shown some results when I went earlier this week to the seamstress to get the fitting (the first visit was to take out the dress because the silly dress sales lady told me to get a size too small (according to measurements I gave her that remained relevant up to the time I got the dress in the mail). But this next fitting should do the trick-- I hope. 
Another update is that Alex and I took the Singer (I want to name her Siren) to the shop and we're having it fixed. We're both excited (if I haven't expressed it enough in the past posts). We both just really want to get started on our practice and mini projects. 
In the meantime we're harvesting Youtube videos, tutorials, patterns, ideas and various tools for our belts. I am currently searching for cosplay blogs and the like.

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