Tuesday, June 3, 2014

For 31

It's been a month now since I started this daily blog adventure. It's been a month of new stuff, missing days, makeups, fitness energy, and school blahs. I know I do not enjoy summer semester, I am very excited to learn how to sew clothes and work with my own sewing machine. I'm also looking forward to seeing my brother, be in his wedding, and go on a cruise with the family! I really don't know when I'll be able to manage everything to a point where I feel like I have just enough time. I have to keep working at my discipline and time management skills to make it happen. Someday I will find a way to make time for both what I enjoy and and what needs to be done.
Here's to a horizon full of daily blogs and adventure-- may it all be well spent. May it also be full of hope and drive for working towards my dreams (may these dreams take the residence of fear).

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