Friday, August 30, 2013

For the Not-So-Vegan Chef Within Me

Behold the loveliness of fancy scrambled eggs!

2 eggs
mild cheddar cheese
1/4 tomato
1/8 onion
fresh organo
s&p tt
canola oil

Make it like scrambled eggs, just, before you put the eggs in, saute' the onions and tomatoes until very soft and falling apart. Add spices to the eggs then beat 'em up in a mixing bowl. Then let those unborn chickies swim with the onions and tomatoes. Swoosh around in pan until cooked to desired consistency. 
Transfer to plate, add sprinkle of cheddar cheese, then top it with a sprig of fresh oregano. 
Ta-da! Bon apatite! 

Alex loved this one-- and he's not even a breakfast person.

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