Monday, August 12, 2013

No More Religous Prejudice or Judgement

When reading something, have you ever had a moment where you are emotionally startled-- not because something has frightened you, but because something make so much sense and you haven't a clue why the concept or idea did not manifest itself early. From past posts you've mostly noticed I enjoy following the Daily Cup of Yoga blog.  Don't get me wrong reader, I find quite a bit of the extremist "yogi" mumbo-jumbo to be just that. But even then, I am able to  find something quite significant within the message they are presenting: a message within the message. The article may be about renunciation of the world but between the lines I find some advice still relevant to me-- a person who wants to be with others and wants to experience culture.
The most recent post I read from them, "7 Ways to Have Tantric Experiences," is the epitome of everything that has been reverberating to me from this blog. It has put into words what I have been feeling since freshman year at Florida State-- that there may not be only one god, that maybe deja vu is something real and the most direct link to past experiences, and, most of all, that life is for life. Life is not to obtain freedom. Life is for compassion and exploration. Life is to always be curious to the universe around us, to accept that we will never completely comprehend everything or anything. To renounce the world... well, I don't believe it'll make me any happier than I am now. We are social creatures and, if we were to rid of prejudice and judgment, we could be happy together in harmony. Such things are romantic notions but entirely possible. Set aside ego and superiority. Set aside insignificant differences between individuals. In the end, we are all family; we are all connected.

Here is a quote from the post which I have linked to, above:

"7 Ways to Have Tantric Experiences

  1. Recognize that everything is cosmic.
  2. Don’t renounce anything.
  3. Embrace the tough stuff.
  4. Ask yourself: what is this here to teach me about my true nature?
  5. Watch for signs and symbols.
  6. Know that abundance is just as spiritual as renouncing money, if not more so.
  7. Enjoy good, healthy sex."  -L

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