Friday, August 2, 2013

I Didn't Forget You

I realize it's  been a while since my last post and that's mostly due to trying to get my Avon going and getting everything setup for Tampa. Just when I think I'm done, there's something else that comes up. As for Avon, it's going fairly well. It'll be tough starting all over in Tampa; at least I'll be going out more and seeing more people so that should help pick up my business over there.
I never updated you on my running did I? Well, I did indeed go for a run the next morning.  I drank a glass of water and beat the rain. Unfortunately, I found little to no enjoyment in the activity. My poor wittle ankles and knees are not made for the pounding on cement. Happily, I'll have gym access in two weeks (holy cow, there's only 14 days until Tampa!) so I'll have wonderful cycling, yoga, and other fun classes to go to to get active and involved. Note to self: apply to the USF gym. 
I'm so excited that I'm getting anxious and nervous! 
Anyway, running is a no-- at least in the streets. I shall be a proper lady of modern day society and run on a tredmill that treats my joints gently. Maybe I'll find some non-paved trails for running-- there is a big park next to The Claw (USF's golf course). USF doesn't have fun names like FSU does... I'll have to find out more or make them up.
I hope I don't have as much trouble meeting people as I did at FSU. I didn't make friends really until Junior year when I joined my sorority DNZ. Then I didn't make any significant connections until Senior year. Yeah... nope. Not going to allow it to take so long-- I'm going to be aggressive with friendships! BE MY FRIEND! Please. :) And then I'll offer to make them some tea and lunch. No one ever took me up on that offer before... so definitely be more aggressive about getting them to spend time with me. Yes. 
As for the mostly veganism, it hasn't been going so great because of how tight money has been and the upsetting forgetfulness of my parents to buy more than onions, peppers, and potatoes. Like I've said before, I'll have an easier time when I'm in control of what goes into the fridge and pantry.
All that's left to get Tampa done, now, is pay for utility setup, pay for internet, pick up moving truck, find job, move in, and get settled. Oh, then I have a list for Tampa, too. It included meeting my department head, getting my USF ID (I gotta snatch up that gym access!), and decide on local grocery stores/ market places. The big ones left are the move and finding a job. I'm hoping for a position at the Disney Store in the International Mall but there's also a possibility of working at a sushi restaurant (yum!). 
Well, I think I'll let you go for now. My car has been finicky and giving her a bath usually makes her happier.
Have a great weekend!


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