Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What Are Your Intentions?

I have been writing a daily intention in my journal since January 1st. I forgot yesterday (because my journal really was out of sight and out of mind) but so far I like writing in my  journal-- making an intention for my day, reflecting on anything and everything without holding back. It's nice to go back and look at the patterns of my mind and discern aspects of myself that require attention (i.e. being lazy or making poor eating habit choices). 
Today's intention started out as "to be present and drink up everything around me" which, you know, already sounds great but then I started walking through the library and caught myself shying away from looking into other people's eyes. I thought back to one of my YTT classes and remembered how special it was to look someone in the eye and just smile. 

And so, I did. I proceeded through my morning with so much to share and nothing to lose. I looked at the people around me, just observing them, my mind making connections with their walk and alignment but then I realized something else. Seeking out that connection, wanting to catch someone's eye just to share a smile with them, I realized I was being present.
My lunch break allowed me the opportunity to sit in a corner and be present with my meal, to take in the warmth of the tumeric on the mung beans, the sweetness of the basmanti rice, the crunch of spaghetti squash, the snap of the peas-- it was all nourishing to my body and my mind. After eating I could have read articles on my phone but instead I just sat and observed. I watched where others looked, the expressions they shared; I listened to the sound and tone of their voice, their gestures and posture. I was right there. 

And now I'm right here, writing to you. 

Here's to daily intentions.



  1. Very nice experience...jour aling is just an amazing way to express and internalize these feelings. . Love ur way!

  2. Very nice experience...jour aling is just an amazing way to express and internalize these feelings. . Love ur way!


I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts.