Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Avon Lady In Line

You may have noticed that I am now an Avon representative. If not, then now you know! Please feel free to visit my website to shop around and have products delivered to you directly. In case you haven't been kept up to date, or you know nothing about Avon, it is a company that sells much more than makeup. They also sell body wash/lotion/spray, clothes, baby items, and jewelry.

Being a part of this new community has some similarities to being in a sorority: You get an Avon Mom, you have meetings with her and opportunities to meet with the other ladies. It can be competitive but it's all about helping each other, etc.
What's really interesting is that my Avon Mom, Danette, teaches vegan classes at the local Nutritionsmart. Unfortunately she won't have any more classes until August but you can bet I'm looking forward to it! Such a small world we live in-- there are connections to all those around us and what we perceive to be far beyond.

Since I've joined Avon, I've been considering the idea of making videos to post here on my blog about products that I have used and/or use now. Expanded upon that, I was thinking of showing you my own makeup and skin care how-to's. What do you think? Let me know!


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