Monday, July 8, 2013

Pick Your Feet Up

I just want to admit it and let it go like carbon dioxide: I'm really burnt out with working at the movie theater. It really is time for a change and I'm happy the move for Tampa is coming soon. This move presents lots of opportunities and I hope to take advantage of them.
I'm still nervous but excited at the same time. Once the move starts, I'll be all the happier.
An update on my mostly veganism: I had eggs this morning and I didn't feel the delight I used to. The taste is different. It's not hard for me to believe because when I went pescitarian, I didn't enjoy beef or pork anymore either. And now I don't enjoy any flesh other than fish. 
A down side lately is that I've been feeling quite faint and lacking in energy. Yesterday my momma bought be new sneakers; I'm hoping that getting myself into running outside (as opposed to my past experiences on the treadmill at Leach gym) will help. Ill be sure to keep posting about that. I will start tomorrow morning. Ill need to wake up early to avoid too much heat-- this is Florida after all. 

They're ready. I am, too. 

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