Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Series

I chose this particular image because it's empowering and truthful. You can be the strongest person in the world but if you don't believe in yourself, you are your weakest link.

Life really is a series of ups and downs, roll overs, and side-ways flips: emotionally, physically, externally, and so on. I've been doing really good lately; keeping up with my school work but still not back into my gym routine (mostly because both are best done for me in the morning). There are so many excuses to give about not making it to the gym and they can all be quite valid. It's up everyone to find their motivation once more.
For me, getting back to the gym has always been made easier with group fitness. I've found a yoga class at the USF Rec Center that I enjoy and it's challenging enough that I'm not just stretching-- I'm pushing myself. I know that yoga is going to be a part of my life for the rest of my days, and I haven't missed a day in quite some time.
In addition to getting back by leaning on my yoga, the tickets for MegaCon going on sale have made it all even more real and pressing. I need to whip this butt into shape and I'm even considering doing shakes just to make it a more simple process. The trouble is I don't like drinking my meals-- as I have probably mentioned before. The reason I want to do this type of fad is to get me to where I'd like to be-- maintaining shouldn't be too tough for me because I almost always have a steady weight (TOM can be thanked for the random 2 pounds I gain and lose once a month). Of course, also working out again will benefit my shape but I know it's not enough to get me further. It's not enough because the area I am trying to tone up on my body is my lower abdomen-- my own personal main fat store. Second main fat store is my thighs.  Really gotta whip this all into shape if I'm going to be wearing a bodysuit.
In other news, I have come to terms that daily blogging needs to be put to rest for me (at least for now) and make way for a more feasible dedicated post. With everything I need to be doing throughout the week, I think a weekly post would work well and then I can post additional whenever I want to record something.

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