I'm sure it has become very clear to you readers that the frequency of my posts has decreased significantly. While there have certainly been moments that I could squeeze in a quick post, I've opted for something else. What have I been doing with my time? Reflecting on it now, I've actually been quite productive with my assignments. I've updated my résumé so I can apply for fieldwork next semester. I've participated more in my online class discussions because I am actually genuinely interested in the material. The best way for me to tell that I'm doing well with school work is to reflect on how I spend my time. This past week I have still not completed my apron (heaven knows it must happen eventually 'cause this girl got no sewing skeels). However, compared to the past, very little of my time has been devoted to watching videos. Maybe one hour every other day or every two days do I watch my shows. Other than that I've been trying to spend time with Alex since we re both kept busy with school and work. I did manage to make it to a 10 AM yoga class at the gym and it was just right. I can tell I needed it-- to let go and just breathe; to not be wondering what's next. Just to be. Being a grad student has shown me that it really does take a chunk out of my daily life but the quality of the other parts of my life increase. There's more curiosity more value to exchanges and conversations. More... Well, life, even though there is less time to use.
Despite my lack of presence here on my blog, I feel I am doing so much each day that there just never seems to be enough time for it all. I do my best to keep up with friends and family (note to self: get Jon Jon's Skype info) and I try to get out of the apartment everyday but allow myself a day or two to chill at home (note #2 I need to sweep/mop and clean the bathroom).
I've found I'm very happy amongst the chaos of life-- very active with moments for breathing in between. When I skip the tv and Facebook I find time for things like riding bikes (just gotta be careful with my new one-- I already let Roger beat me up once. He throws a mean punch).
Where I am now, I'm healthily proud. There is so much I'd like to do but I'm content with doing what I can. I know I won't be able to do everything but I should do all that fits within my waking hours.
I hope to continue to see progress with myself and how I spend my time because I am and hope to continue to be the person I want to be.
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