Sunday, October 26, 2014

Almost There!

There's always something to look forward to; whether you have something big planned for the weekend or you're just ready to head home for the holidays, there's something. This coming Saturday will be Alex and my first party at the new place (not that we officially had one at the old place). It doesn't seem like many people are coming but I think just enough will come to make it a success.
I've had some help with Kaitlin doing fun decorations around the house with streamers. Now we need to get dangle-y poof sugar skulls done and assembled to hang around the apartment.
I'm planning to make my simple delicious salsa and the vegan cupcake recipe I got from Marry quite some time ago now. I also need to get the alter set up to place these yummies. I say alter because it's going to be Dia de los Muertos and why not go along with the actual holiday (even though it's a halloween costume party).
So I have a bit left to do to prepare for the party but I do need to make sure I have all my school work done and submitted.

In other news, I've realized that I'm not very good with getting results for things that require directions. I am good at getting good results-- as long as I allow myself to make alterations along the way. For example, those darn pockets on this ridiculous apron I'm still trying to finish. I've been trying to do them exactly like the pattern (yes the point of doing the pattern is to familiarize myself with terms but, to be entirely honest, I think I'm the type of person who does best when they jump on in instead of calculating everything). So... I'm gonna do this!

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