Friday, February 22, 2013

It's an I-Feel-Like-A-Bad-Ass Morning

I hope everyone's having a lovely Friday!

It's the start of another weekend and, while mine is sure to be laden with studying for Midterms, there's  no need to neglect our best friend, the gym.

Yesterday was a rest day for me but I found that I regretted not going to the gym. I was so antsy that the first thing I did this morning was head on over to the Leach. No more gym-skip days. I must do something every day-- can't allow myself to count going to class.

Today was arm and abs day for me at the gym, though, any day could be ab day.
I did biceps, triceps, shoulders (from all angles), ab-twists, weighted side bends, lower back lifts, and everyone's best friend, plank.
Since I've added weight training into my routine, I've noticed everything from yoga to doing a plank is easier. I carry my laptop in my backpack with significantly less struggle than before. I'm only a month or so into my new habits and I'm already feeling more confident, energized, and focused.
If you want to make a change in your life, this is definitely one to make. Start with just a quick workout or yoga routine every morning for 15 minutes. Yes, just 15 minutes. This will help you transition into a healthy motivated mind set.
Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

Food (because I can't not talk about it)

  • Pre-workout Fuel: Water + Hummus on Whole Grain Toast
  • Recovery: 1 yolk & 2 egg whites, scrambled +  my fancy oatmeal

Fancy Oatmeal Recipe (as pictured in my Wake Up Call post):

1/2 cup instant oatmeal
pinch of salt
Tbs ground flax seed
1 sliced banana
Raisins (optional)
Almond Milk (just about drown everything in the bowl)

Microwave for 2 minutes and let sit for a few.
Dig in and Mmm!

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