Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Midterms then Spring Break

Hey there,

sorry i haven't been posting as often as I was. School is taking me by storm and although I manage to squeeze in my workouts, I have such little time for the blog. Spring Break is coming up so soon I'll have a little time to breathe and share more with you. Alex and I still have our make-up Valentine's Day to do so I'll most likely be cooking up a few things and doing something.
The gym has been going very well despite my levels of stress; I think everything would be worse if I wasn't going. My knees have been feeling great and I haven't even bought a split. I've started using the treadmill more and I've found I prefer it over the elliptical or bike now-- just because I get to feel my feet pound, I guess. It's also exciting that I've been doing good with my breathing-- no asthma attacks for two or three weeks now!
I hope all is well with you, readers. I'd love to hear from you to see how your own practices are going. Keeping up with the yoga? Starting a new good habit? Send me an email :)


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