Friday, February 7, 2014

Here Is Your Moment, Breathe In... Breathe Out... It's Gone

Tonight you don't get to see a picture of me. I took my measurements this morning and I just finished laundry so the only excuse I have for not taking a picture for this week is being busy and slightly lazy. This week I incorporated weighted ab exercises and I actually like them-- they make my sit-ups easier and I can feel the muscles there whenever I'm active. I like it. I like feeling the changes in my body-- something that wasn't welcomed during puberty.
Since I don't have my own original photo to share, I've shared the one above because it is one of the moved re-pinned ones on my Pinterest. It's very simple but says something peaceful yet adventurous. I don't say adventurous because she more than likely has no bikini top on; I say it because the calm world around her and her open arms suggest it. When we open ourselves to the world around us, anything can happen. If we close ourselves off and allow our fears to take over our decisions and our life then we have no adventure and not much else to call a life.
Yoga has taught me so much and there will always be so much to learn but right now I feel it's just time... time is something to be embraced because once we spend this particular moment or that particular second, it's gone. In my undergrad at FSU I took a literature class with Timothy Parrish. I did my best to keep up with the readings and contribute to class discussion but what I found was most important was listening. When I listened closely in this class, I found my own words being voiced by others. We all understand that time is not something that can be grasped; the moment we say we are in the moment, that moment is over. With yoga I am in the moment but also transcending it because I do not limit it to itself. I realize that while we cannot grasp a moment, we can take advantage of now.
I've been having a hard time lately just really focusing myself on school work. I want to be active and do stuff; I don't want to be confined to sitting down and reading materials unless I am able to immerse myself (it doesn't happen often other than with Disney Infinity and a really good book). I really want to go out and do more but I know I also need to work on disciplining my mind. I need to be able to focus on something, while being mentally present, without having a panic attack that I'm not doing anything.
I can do this. I know I can. I just have to keep trying.

So enough of my shpealishness, my measurements this week are:

39.25" shoulders
9.25" biceps
31.75" chest
29.25" underbust
26.75" waist
36.25" hips
36.75" butt
21.75" thighs
13.5" calves

Still going strong with my workouts. I haven't been able to squeeze in weights more than twice a week but I'm doing my best to be active every day. I really have to become more strict with everything though. My bridesmaid dress for my brother's wedding will be here the month of June, the deadline for the Race to Abs, so I have another reason to keep in top shape.

I hope all of you are doing well and you're going strong with your goals.


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