Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Princess Penny

There's been a lot going on for quite some time now and although I have felt overwhelmed and stressed out, there's a new little angel in my life and her name is Penny. She's so sweet and gentle and literally asks for nothing. She just gives and gives kisses and snuggles. 
Alex and I took her home from Hillsborough County Animal Services on Friday and hopped onto a roller coaster of cuteness and swelling love. It was the least convenient time to get her since we had already arranged to go home to Port Saint Lucie for a couple days but, luckily, Penny wins over every heart she encounters and Alex's friends agreed to care for her while we were gone.
At first she stole Rinpoche's bed (not tt he ever used it) instead of using the doggie pillow I hand-sewed for her. Now she uses both and loves to snuggle with a blanket. We want to get her toys but she shows so little interest in them. We'll keep trying, I'm sure there are toys out there that she'll like.
So here she is, the compassionate princess of the house:

Pharrell William's Happy is so Penny's song when we brought her home.

As for Rinpoche, well... he's not so happy. He's very nervous and I feel awful because he won't come out to play. Thankfully Alex has found a helpful video that explains the proper way of getting him used to having a dog in the house. To be entirely honest I'm very worried that he'll never be playful like he was again... and that breaks my heart. My mom said that when he was at home he came out with Sheba out and about so it's most likely that, with time and adjustment, he'll leave the bedroom. Many of you saw Rinpoche's cute bed time picture I shared on Twitter recently (if not, it's in my feed on the right side menu of my blog), but here's what happens when you put flash for a picture of a kitty. Dun Dun DUN.

I realize I'm due for my measurements but I'm going to leave that for tomorrow's post. Things are heating up with the race to abs so hopefully Alex and I will both be on our game.
Stay dry out there, Floridians!

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