Monday, March 31, 2014

Oh yeah, I have a blog to work on.

I know I missed my post last week. It was actually a pretty busy week but not as productive with school work or the gym as I would have liked. I found shoes for my brother's wedding, got Alex's car fixed, went to St. Pete for the first time, ate Spinach Pie and the best Falafel I've ever had. Looked at dresses for my brother's rehearsal brunch but no luck finding the one. My best friend Kaitlin and sister Kate did Dance Marathon and raised money for sick children. Alex took down and rebuilt office spaces for the big race in St. Pete. Aaaand work was very busy at Worm's Way. I don't know yet if I passed my Regular Part Time Sales Position test but it would be awesome to be able to receive commission in addition to my pay.

I actually typed up a post on my phone on Friday but I didn't post it. I think it was really romantic with strong reference to mythology. I'll have to post it sometime once I take another gander at it. I also did take my measurements and pictures of myself for my weekly post last week but yet they did not make it to the post that did not get posted.
I've been struggling with getting going these past few weeks. I've been sluggish with my work and missing my drive for the gym. Penny is doing really good though. Her and Rinpoche actually play together. She even lets him near her food bowl (like his face right next to it. When she gets a treat she breaks it up into piece and Rinpoche has after them but when Penny is ready to eat that piece he's after, she just moves him aside so gently with her snout and eats it.

Well I have lots to do and catch up with. I made a detailed list and divided up the wants from the need to dos. Obviously the wants are rewards or things to do when taking a break from school work... come to think of it I did not include this blog post. Oh well, I did it and it's a want more than a need but it could be a need since I didn't post one last week.

One of the wants on my list is to go for a bicycle ride and I realized very recently that Alex and I have stopped doing our rides together. It seems to have stopped around the time we got Penny. Getting a dog really is like having a kid. You feel bad every time you leave them. I think the weather just hasn't been in our favor on nights when we can go out and then we're both busy otherwise or just dead tired. I think even if we're tired we should go for a quick one.

I hope you are all well and you're buckling down on school work better than I am. I wish you the best and luck during these last stressful weeks of the semester.

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