Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Let's Charge People Who Ride Their Bicycles Instead of Driving!

So let's charge people for using green energy instead of non-renewable resources. Oh, and while we're at it let's double tax all the vegetarians because they eat too much real food. How much more ridiculous can these American taxes and fees get? OH, a little bit more. Let's charge a fee for people who don't have health insurance. They can't afford health insurance so let's get what little spare money they have in another way. What is this world coming to... we can do so much together. There is so much hope and potential but we're just destroying each other a little at a time.
All of this for money and to allow some people to feel like they're better than others-- that their way of thinking and their opinions are the only ones that matter.
Hubris was the downfall of many greats in the past... now it is Greed. To the oil companies and the science facilities that use your money to quiet and even silence development of green technology and cut down anyone who supports it, I hope one day you can rest well in the pools of toxic sludge you pushed the world to make.

Read the article that brought on my little rant:

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