Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Love, Soup & the Way He Carries You To Bed

Last week I told you about this post and how I didn't get around to posting it... I reviewed it and realized I definitely could not allow it to become a part of posts I haven't published. About love, soup, and life...

I love eating soup because you start out with patience for it to become cool enough. Then when the energy of the universe blesses you with the ability to consume it without burning your mouth you pick up your spoon and scoop the chunky parts. There may be parts you don't really care for and some parts you really prefer and wish the whole soup was made out of it. You careful ration between the two until all that is left is glorious broth-- your reward. The perfect blend of all the energy the pot of soup began with swims around at the bottom of your bowl. This is your treasure, your enjoyment, the very fruit of your soulmate's labor... And it is wonderful. Just like him.
If you've read posts from the past two months you know that I've been having a hard time with the truths of life and the world. I've been both misfortunate and fortunate to have such a trouble as I have found myself appreciating each moment and holding on to every breath, every instance of love. It's all around us and there is so much hope amongst the tragedies of the world. So much hope within all of us, so many dreams and wishes. Amongst the heart aches and worries is birthed love. Amongst both tears and joy is love. 
I have opened my eyes and found that you can never quite open them wide enough to take in all the beauty around us. But that is our curse-- the curse of humanity-- to never get enough. So we must accept the love we have and savor it; accept the beauty of the world and appreciate each moment we have. 
The other night Alex and I were watching the lovely indie film Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. It was just about over when I fell asleep. I had already seen it so it was difficult to fight slumber. I was awakened my arms around me, carrying me to the bedroom. All I remember before falling back asleep was "hold on, I got you." In the arms of my love, I trust. In the arms of my love I have felt the world spin as we were still together. 
There is a story of how humans began with four legs, four arms, and two heads. They were powerful and contemplated taking over the heavens. To prevent them from doing so, Zeus split them in half, and thus we forever search to make ourselves whole again. 
What happens when you finally find your other half? Well that's the beauty: anything. You find them and then you see the whole reason for all of this, the reason for life-- to experience this feeling of love, for it to forever morph and grow. You see the stars when you find them, then you can see the world together. How long did our souls search for one another? How long was it before the two energies of being saw which direction to turn to find their match? That's another beautiful thing, time is constructed for the physical but, for love, souls would search for an eternity yet find that no matter when they finally connect, the aspect that matters is that they do. 

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