Monday, April 14, 2014

Stop Dragging, You Pooey Procrastinator

After a really productive day with school work I really wonder why the heck I procrastinate so much. I really wish one time (not this time; preferably a past occasion) procrastination wouldn't have worked out just so I wouldn't be such a procrastinator now.
People can drag their buts for weeks, maybe even months, doodle around and stare at the computer screen and when they turn around that thing they kept putting off looks like a rainbow. It still works out somehow. All that poop and it ends up being a rainbow.
I stress myself out with a lot of things and end up judging myself five times (serious) harder than the person who is actually grading my work. Just like when I look in the mirror by myself my eyes are drawn directly to my lower abdomen where my main fat store is. When I'm with a group of people, and I look back at a photo of it, I see how pretty I am.
Why do our minds make things so complicated? It really doesn't have to be. It can be so simple. It is so simple. Let's just do crap and enjoy the rainbow right now instead of dragging it on.
We can't have a rainbow every day, but something else spectacular might happen when it's not raining and we're going to want to have the time to do it instead of having that hypothetical unicorn poo being dragged on the carpet.
If I balanced my school work as well as I should-- you know, do one page a night, one assignment a day or two if they're super short, then you can have the night or even a day free. You'll have set times to go to the gym, to cook dinner. Oh the joys of not being a procrastinator.

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