Monday, April 7, 2014


Further inspired by Kaitlin's no more nonsense blog post, I am kicking my butt into gear because I know that I only have less than one month left of these two least motivating classes of my college life. I will get my stuff done. I will get my plump bottom back into my gym habits. I will fit into that bridesmaid dress when it arrives. And I will finish painting my graduation gifts for Kaitlin and Colie in time.

Here's the absolute beginning of no nonsense.

Today during the day I will do my yoga, then bicycle to campus to work on and finish some of my assignments: Case Study 2, Discussion Boards, Strategic Plan. Eat a sandwich I bring with me. Then I will bicycle back home once I have worked a significant amount on my school stuff. Late afternoon to bed time is open for working on my gifts to Colie and Kaitlin.
All of this, I hope I do not have to endure with these awful allergies that are starting to resemble a head cold but luckily my head isn't that foggy. My throat is feeling terrible from all the sneezing. Please PLEASE kick in soon, generic allergy pill.

Oh, and to update on fitness... as I've said I haven't been doing what I would like but I'm getting back to it today. No. More. Excuses. I have enough time to watch my shows, I have enough time to go to the gym. I have to fit into this bridesmaid's dress coming in June. Yes. I have to and I will.

I recently remembered that Alex and I purchased a scale but it was hidden in the closet.
I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 134 which isn't bad but it isn't my best. Nor should I be considering this number as important.
It's the measuring tape that counts with fitness not the scale.

39" shoulders
32.75" chest
29.75" underbust
26.5" waist
36.25" hips
37.25" butt
21.25" thighs
13.5" calves

Plus this is supposed to be fun. This race to abs needs to be given more fuel because obviously I burnt out from being bummed and whatnot. Well, here's some gas, let's go! No more nonsense.

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